Place born
Organisation / Person
1927-1971, manufacturer of dyestuffs, Blackley, Manchester, England

Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Dyestuffs Division

1927 - 1971

1857-?, manufacturer of mauveine dye, Greenford, London, England

Perkin and Sons

1857 - 1874

1884-1945, manufacturer of pharmaceutical products; manufacturer of dyestuffs, Basle, Switzerland

Society of Chemical Industry in Basel

1884 - 1945

1857-1970, manufacturer of dyestuffs, Basle, Switzerland

J R Geigy SA

1857 - 1970

1919-1926, manufacturer of dyestuffs, United Kingdom

British Dyestuffs Corporation Limited

1919 - 1926

1877-1925, manufacturer of dyestuffs; manufacturer of chemicals, Uerdingen, Germany

Chemische Fabriken vorm Weiler-ter Meer

1877 - 1925

active 1900s-2009, manufacturer of dyestuffs, Bromborough, England

Brotherton and Company Limited

1900 - 2009

1876-2007, manufacturer of dyestuffs, Clayton, Manchester, England

Clayton Aniline Company Limited

1876 - 2007

active 1872-1950s, manufacturer of dyestuffs, Kilmarnock, Scotland

Irvinebank Dyeworks Limited

1872 - 1950

c.1830-1919, manufacturer of dyestuffs; chemicals manufacturer, Huddersfield, England

Read Holliday and Sons Limited

1830 - 1919

1925-2012, manufacturer of dyestuffs, Germany

IG Farbenindustrie AG

1925 - 2012

active 1863 -1952, manufacturer of pharmaceuticals; manufacturer of dyestuffs, German

Farbwerke vorm Meister Lucius und Brüning

1880 - 1952

1881-1950s?, manufacturer of dyestuffs; manufacturer of chemicals, Saint Denis, France

Société Anonyme des Matières Colorantes et Produits Chimiques de Saint-Denis

1881 - 1955

1871-1968, manufacturer of dyestuffs, Switzerland

Durand & Huguenin SA

1871 - 1968

1827-1890, chemist; manufacturer of dyestuffs, British

Nicholson, Edward Chambers

1801 - 1890

active about 1915-1919?, manufacturer of dyestuffs, Huddersfield, England

British Dyes Limited

1879/80-1925?, manufacturer of dyestuffs, Germany

Farbwerk Mühlheim Vorm A Leonhardt & Co