Place born
Organisation / Person
active 1913-current (2008), opticians and optical instrument manufacturer, Britain

Theodore Hamblin Limited

1879-1950, scientific instrument makers; optician; manufacturer of photographic apparatus, Manchester, England

Aubrey Franks Limited

1879 - 1950

1833-1908, optician; scientific instrument maker, British

Aronsberg, William

1833 - 1908

1807-1868, active 1837-1868, optician, optical instrument maker (telescopes), English; British

Cooke, Thomas

1807 - 1868

1807-1873, active 1840-1845, optician; daguerreotypist; optical instrument maker, French

Lerebours, Nöel Marie Paymal

1807 - 1873

1835-1955, opticians, optics and photographic and camera maker, Birmingham

J Lancaster and Son

1835 - 1955

1822-1861, optician; photographic equipment manufacturer, Paris, France

Jamin, Ing Opticien

1822 - 1861

1786-1863, optician; astronomer; microscopist, Italian

Amici, Giovanni Battista

1786 - 1863

active 1752-1761, optician, previously a silk weaver, English; British

Dollond, John

1707 - 1761

1804-1867, mathematician; scientific instrument maker, Swiss

Secretan, Marc Francois Louis

1894 - 1867

1800-1878, engineer; optician; telescope builder; machinist, British; Irish

Grubb, Thomas

1800 - 1878

active 1807-1827, optician, optical designer & lens maker, German

Fraunhofer, Joseph von

1787 - 1826

active 1849-1886, optician, optical designer & optical instrument maker, French

Duboscq, Jules

1817 - 1886

active 1805-1845, optician, nautical instrument maker, Portsmouth, English

Stebbing, George

1775 - 1847

1635-1715, optician (lens maker) and astronomer, Italian

Campani, Giuseppe

1635 - 1715

active 1784-1791, optician; instrument maker, London England

Jones, William

1762 - 1831

1850s- 1976, pharmaceutical chemist; optician, Leeds, England

Reynolds and Branson Limited

1852 - 1976

active 1766-1804, optician, English; British

Dollond, John

1733 - 1805

1817-1835, printseller, barometer maker; optician; publisher; clock dealer; optical instrument dealer, Manchester, England

Zanetti and Agnew

1817 - 1835

active 1817-1841, optical instrument maker; mathematical instrument maker; scientific instrument maker; manufacturer of waterproof fabrics; manufacturer of chemicals, Italian

Ronchetti, Charles Joshua

1790 - 1850

active 1835-1875, optician, philosophical & mathematical instrument maker, Liverpool, England

Adie, Richard

1810 - 1881

active 1832-1859 , optician and optical instrument maker, French

Chevalier, Charles Louis

1804 - 1859

bap. 1723, d. 1791; active 1747-1784, optician, Welsh; British

Watkins, Francis

1723 - 1791

1824-1894, optician, optical instrument maker, photographic instrument seller, Edinburgh

Bryson, James Mackay

1824 - 1894

active 1863-1918, optician, optical designer, spectacle manufacturer & collector, English; British

Dunscombe, Matthew William

1841 - 1918

1792-1841, active 1823-1841, optician, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, British

Robinson, Thomas Charles

1792 - 1841

active 1839-1866, optician, English; British

Dollond, George

1797 - 1866

1711-1788, active 1748-1776, optician, Edinburgh & London, Scottish; British

Short, Thomas

1711 - 1788

active, 1812-1856, optical, mathematical, philosophical & nautical inst. maker & optician, British

Newman, John Frederick

1783 - 1860

active 1808-1847, compass maker; optician & mathematical, philosophical instrument maker, London, England, British

Bate, Robert Brettell

1782 - 1847

1821-1895, optician, philosophical & photographic instrument maker, London, England

Ackland, William

1821 - 1895

active 1818-1856, optician, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, London, England

Watkins & Hill

1818 - 1856

active 1789-1825, optician nautical instrument and telescope maker, English; British

Cary, William

1759 - 1825

active 1832-1922, optician & mathematical instrument maker, Dublin, Ireland

Yeates and Son

1832 - 1922

1779-1835, scientific instrument maker, British; English

Dancer, Josiah

1779 - 1835

1753-1835, active, 1804-1826, optician & mathematical instrument maker, English; British

Troughton, Edward

1753 - 1835

1708-1772, active 1731-1770, optician, optical instrument & microscope maker and seller, London, England, English

Cuff, John

1708 - 1772

1873-1958, active from 1900, optician; religious philosopher, English; British

Hamblin, Theodore

1873 - 1958

active 1841-1845, optician, optical, mathematical & philosophical instr. maker, Manchester, England

Abraham and Dancer

1841 - 1845

active 1820-1852, optician; optical, mathematical, astronomical & philosophical instrument maker

Dollond, George

1774 - 1852

1731-1820, active from 1750, optical instrument maker, scientific instrument maker, British

Dollond, Peter

1731 - 1820

1801-1865, optician, instrument maker, Birmingham and London, England, English

Elkington, George Richards

1801 - 1865

1859-1906, businessman; optician, British

Dallmeyer, Thomas Rudolphus

1859 - 1906

active 1851-1899(?), optician, meteorological, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, London

Pastorelli and Company

1851 - 1899

1864-1945, optician; telescope pioneer, American

Ritchey, George Willis

1864 - 1945

active 1796-1831, optician, optical & mathematical instrument maker, English; British

Bancks, Robert

1796 - 1831

active 1791-1816, globe seller, optician, nautical instrument & telescope maker, London, England

John and William Cary

1791 - 1816

1830-1874, active 1859-1874 , optician and optical instrument maker, French

Chevalier, Louis Marie Arthur

1830 - 1874

active 1851-1875, optician, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, Liverpool, England

A Abraham and Company

1851 - 1890

active 1840s-1860s, optician, mathemathical & philosophical instrument maker, Brighton, England

Dixey, Lewis

1814 - 1895