Place born
Organisation / Person
active 1853-1921, optical, mathematical, philosophical & electrical inst. maker, London, England

Elliott Brothers

1853 - 1921

active 1790-1820, mathematical, philosophical, nautical & optical instrument makers, Paris, France

Jecker, Francoise-Antoine

1765 - 1834

1897-1948, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, London, England

Ross Limited

1897 - 1948

active 1850-1869, philosophical, chemistry & mathematical instrument/scale maker, London, England

Ladd and Oertling

1849 - 1869

1821-1886, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, London, England

Adie, Patrick

1821 - 1886

1695-1766, active 1720-1750, mathematical, philosophical, optical instrument maker, London, England

Cole, Benjamin

1695 - 1766

1768-1816, active 1789-1816, mathematical, optical and philosophical instrument maker, English

Barnett, Thomas

1768 - 1816

active 1835-1875, optician, philosophical & mathematical instrument maker, Liverpool, England

Adie, Richard

1810 - 1881

1792-1841, active 1823-1841, optician, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, British

Robinson, Thomas Charles

1792 - 1841

active, 1812-1856, optical, mathematical, philosophical & nautical inst. maker & optician, British

Newman, John Frederick

1783 - 1860

active 1808-1847, compass maker; optician & mathematical, philosophical instrument maker, London, England, British

Bate, Robert Brettell

1782 - 1847

1821-1895, optician, philosophical & photographic instrument maker, London, England

Ackland, William

1821 - 1895

active 1818-1856, optician, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, London, England

Watkins & Hill

1818 - 1856

1859-1897, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, London, England, British

Ross and Company

1859 - 1897

1750-1795, [Adams the Younger] active 1772-1795, mathematical instrument maker; globe maker, English; British

Adams, George

1750 - 1795

1708-1772, active 1731-1770, optician, optical instrument & microscope maker and seller, London, England, English

Cuff, John

1708 - 1772

1798-1860s, philosophical and scientific instrument maker; mechanist, English, British

Reid, William

1798 - 1869

active 1841-1845, optician, optical, mathematical & philosophical instr. maker, Manchester, England

Abraham and Dancer

1841 - 1845

active 1820-1852, optician; optical, mathematical, astronomical & philosophical instrument maker

Dollond, George

1774 - 1852

1731-1820, active from 1750, optical instrument maker, scientific instrument maker, British

Dollond, Peter

1731 - 1820

active 1851-1899(?), optician, meteorological, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, London

Pastorelli and Company

1851 - 1899

1808-1914, optical, mathematical & philosophical (globes) instrument makers, London, England, British

Carpenter and Westley

1808 - 1914

active 1805-1822, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, British

Beale, John

1805 - 1822

active 1830-1859, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, English; British

Ross, Andrew

1798 - 1859

active 1840s-1860s, optician, mathemathical & philosophical instrument maker, Brighton, England

Dixey, Lewis

1814 - 1895

active 1834-1851, optician, magnetician, mathematical instrument maker; philosophical instrument maker; engineer, Irish

Clarke, Edward Marmaduke

1806 - 1859

1818-1893, philosophical, chemistry & mathematical instrument maker; scale maker, London, England

Oertling, Ludwig

1818 - 1893

active 1749-1806, sundial maker; optical, mathematical, philosophical inst. maker & natural philosopher, British

Nairne, Edward

1726 - 1806

1830-1859, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, London, England, British

Andrew Ross and Company

1830 - 1859

1674-1702, active from 1695, mathematical, philosophical & nautical instrument maker, English

Tuttell, Thomas

1674 - 1702

active 1774-1783, mathematical, nautical & philosophical instrument maker, Augsburg, Germany

G F Brander and Höschel

1774 - 1783

1812-1887, active 1835-1878, optician, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, British

Dancer, John Benjamin

1812 - 1887

1709-1772, active 1734-72, mathematical, philosophical & optical instrument maker, lecturer, English

Adams, George

1709 - 1772

1746-1815, active 1774-1803, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, Scottish

Miller, John

1746 - 1815

active 1808-1833, optical, mathematical & philosophical (globes) instrument maker, English

Carpenter, Philip

Unknown - 1833

1851-1909, mathematical, philosophical, optical & surgical instrument maker, English

Baker, Charles

active 1820s-1847, mathematical, philosophical, nautical & optical instrument makers, Paris, France

Jecker Frères

Unknown - 1847

active 1802-1850s, philosophical and scientific instrument maker, active London, England

Becker, Christian

Unknown - 1856

d.1791, active 1751-1791, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, English; British

Gilbert, John

Unknown - 1791

active 1654-1697, mathematical, optical and philosophical instrument maker, English

Brown, John

Unknown - 1697

active 1860-1905/6, mathematical, optical & philosophical instrument maker, London, England, British

Casella, L. P.

active 1850-1875, optical & philosophical instrument maker, German; naturalised French

Hofmann, J G

active 1849-1885, optician, spectacle & optical, mathematical, philosophical inst. maker, English

West, Francis Linsell

active 1822-1853, mathemamatical, optical, philosophical and scientific instrument maker, British

Wrench, Edward

active 1855-1890, philosophical & electrical instrument maker, London, England

Sax, Julius

active 1883-1886, nautical, mathematical, philosophical & optical instrument maker, Paris France

Duboscq and Pellin

active 1800-1827, philosophical instrument maker, London, English; British

Newman, James

active 1820-1835, optician, mathematical, philosophical & optical instrument maker, London, England

Ebsworth, Richard

active 1814-1830, optician; mathematical instrument maker; philosophical instrument maker, English

Dowling, William

active 1825-1865, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, Newcasle on Tyne, England

Cail, John