Bow drill with bronze drill, date about 1370 BC, found at Tel El Amarna, Upper Egypt, in winter season of 1921-22. Bow Drill with Bronze Bit circa 1370 BCE
Ingot of gold and four specimens of silver, from Tel el Amarna. XVIII Dynasty Ingot of gold and four specimens of silver, from Tel El-Amarna. XVIII Dynasty 1567-1306 BCE
Plaster cast (white) of IBEX weight, 45.1gm; XVIII Dynasty, El-Amarna BC 1370-1350 Plaster cast (white) of IBEX weight 1370-1350 BCE; 1931
Objects found in 1921 on the site of the Akhetaten (modern Amarna) Upper Egypt, date 1375-1350 BCE. Objects found in 1921 on the site of the Akhetaken (modern Amarna) 1370-1350 BCE
Bronze razor from Egypt, Tel el Amarna, XVIII dynasty, 1540-1307 BCE Bronze razor from Egypt 1540-1307 BCE