On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Electric Washing Machine

circa 1945

Tippler Toilet


Wash boiler

circa 1945

Lancashire loom

1890 - 1910

Grain Scale


Sample of white Nylon fabric.

Forced lubrication mount from the mill engine


'Skyline' tin-opener for small tins, Burnley, Lancashire, 1945-55


Bailey & Waddington Davy lamp


Maker’s plate for horizontal cross-compound mill engine by Burnley Ironworks for Finsley View Mill, Harle Syke, Burnley, 1903

Maker�s plate for horizontal cross-compound mill engine by Burnley Ironworks for Finsley View Mill


Moisture tester, 1966, used for measuring the moisture content of sand aggregate, and " dry" mix in concrete batching, the Speedy Moisture Tester, no 34568, by Thomas Ashworth & Co. Ltd., Burnley

Moisture tester


Two `Speedy Moisture Testers' made by Thomas Ashworth and Co, Burnley, 1950-1960

Speedy Moisture Testers


One photograph titled ‘Cotton’. Handwritten caption on the back reads: ‘Memorial to John Kay, Bury inventor of the fly-shuttle 1733’. [Dates provided are an estimate based on similar photographs on SSPL: However, this is likely a copy print of an older print or negative and could therefore date from decades later.]

Daily Herald Photograph: John Kay memorial


One photograph titled ‘Hall i' th' Wood, Bolton’. Handwritten caption on the back reads: ‘where Samuel Crompton invented his spinning mule’. [Dates provided are an estimate based on similar photographs on SSPL: However, this is likely a copy print of an older print or negative and could therefore date from decades later.]

Daily Herald Photograph: Hall i' th' Wood, Bolton


One photograph titled ‘Cotton’ showing a young girl holding a cotton shuttle. [Dates provided are an estimate based on similar photographs on SSPL: However, this is likely a copy print of an older print or negative and could therefore date from decades later.]

Daily Herald Photograph: Cotton shuttle


One photograph titled ‘Cotton’ showing a man working at a cotton weaving machine. [Dates provided are an estimate based on similar photographs on SSPL: However, this is likely a copy print of an older print or negative and could therefore date from decades later.]

Daily Herald Photograph: Cotton weaving machine


Lancashire loom used for weaving sheeting, in fairly original condition, with set of healds, reeds, and shuttles. Manufactured by Butterworth & Dickinson Ltd, Burnley.

lancashire loom

Untitled silver gelatin print, photographed by Nick Hedges, May 1970

Untitled silver gelatin print


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Superintendant of Public Baths with two assistants'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Superintendant of Public Baths with two assistants


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Dancing at an OAP's club. Weekday, mid-afternoon, in a Methodist hall'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Dancing at an OAP's club…


Untitled silver gelatin print, photographed by Nick Hedges, May 1970

Untitled silver gelatin print


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Disc-jockey at an OAP's dance'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Disc-jockey at an OAP's dance


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Widows dancing at an OAP's club'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Widows dancing at an OAP's club


Silver gelatin photograph 'May 1970. Burnley. Sign outside Salvation Army Hall', photographed by Nick Hedges.

Sign outside Salvation Army Hall


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Shop window' showing a shoe repair shop. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Shop window


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Slum clearance site'. Photograph by Nick Hedges, Burnley, May 1970.

Slum clearance site


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Respectable splendour'. Photograph by Nick Hedges, Bunley, May 1970.

Respectable splendour


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Dancing at an OAP's club. Weekday, mid-afternoon, in a Methodist hall'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Dancing at an OAP's club…


Gelatin silver print entitled 'An unposed group relaxing'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

An unposed group relaxing


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Elderly crippled lady at her back door taking the sun'. Photograph by Nick Hedges, Burnley, May 1970.

Elderly crippled lady at her back door taking the sun


Four headed rope twisting machine, late 19th century, used at the mill of Hartley Spencer Limited in Burnley, Lancashire.

Rope twisting machine


One photograph titled ‘Cotton’ showing a man and a boy working at a cotton weaving machine. [Dates provided are an estimate based on similar photographs on SSPL: However, this is likely a copy print of an older print or negative and could therefore date from decades later.]

Daily Herald Photograph: Cotton weaving machine


One photograph titled ‘Cotton’. Handwritten caption on the back reads: ‘Boys as dinner carriers’. [Dates provided are an estimate based on similar photographs on SSPL: However, this is likely a copy print of an older print or negative and could therefore date from decades later.]

Daily Herald Photograph: Dinner carriers for mill workers


One photograph titled ‘Cotton’ showing a girl holding a cotton shuttle. Handwritten caption on the back reads: ‘a shuttle which needs no kissing, it is threaded by hand’. [Dates provided are an estimate based on similar photographs on SSPL: However, this is likely a copy print of an older print or negative and could therefore date from decades later.]

Daily Herald Photograph: Cotton shuttle


One photograph titled ‘Cotton’. Handwritten caption on the back reads: ‘Winding wheel used by Samuel Crompton, before he invented his mule.’ [Dates provided are an estimate based on similar photographs on SSPL: However, this is likely a copy print of an older print or negative and could therefore date from decades later.]

Daily Herald Photograph: Spinning wheel


One photograph titled ‘Cotton’. Handwritten caption on the back reads: ‘Cotton plug, a simple form of respirator sometimes used by cotton workers.’ [Dates provided are an estimate based on similar photographs on SSPL: However, this is likely a copy print of an older print or negative and could therefore date from decades later.]

Daily Herald Photograph: Cotton respirator


Duckett ‘tipper closet’ by James Duckett and Son Limited, of Burnley, Lancashire; complete with original seat, hinges, collar pipes for water supply and manhole cover access plate with ‘Duckett’ on it, c. 1890s.

Duckett ‘tipper closet’ by James Duckett and Son Limited

A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled "Welfare State: Beauty and the Beast, Burnley, 1972" taken by Roger Perry in 1972. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition "Bizarrely Beautiful", shown in March 1976

Welfare State: Beauty and the Beast, Burnley, 1972


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled "Welfare State: Beauty and the Beast, Burnley, 1972", taken by Roger Perry in 1973. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition "Bizarrely Beautiful", shown in March 1976

Welfare State: Beauty and the Beast, Burnley, 1972


Untitled gelatin silver print showing a terraced street with "Coronation Street?" painted on the wall. '. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Untitled silver gelatin print


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Shop front', showing Direct Mill. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Shop front


Gelatin silver print entitled 'House front'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

House front


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Café exterior', showing Snug Café. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Café exterior


Untitled silver gelatin print, photographed by Nick Hedges, May 1970

Untitled silver gelatin print


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Blackboard sign giving details of local bowling matches; outside a hairdressers'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Blackboard sign giving details of local bowling matches; outside a hairdressers


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Sign on mill wall'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Sign on mill wall


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Street scene in front of an old Methodist hall'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Street scene in front of an old Methodist hall


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Dancing at an OAP's club. Weekday, mid-afternoon, in a Methodist hall'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Dancing at an OAP's club...


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Dancing at an OAP's club. Weekday, mid-afternoon, in a Methodist hall'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Dancing at an OAP's club...


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Exterior of 19th century mill'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Exterior of 19th century mill
