A colour transparency of a sweet shop interior, Gravesend, photographed by Andrew Lawson, about 1977. Interior of Sweet Shop and Tobacconist circa 1977
A colour transparency of 'Interior of a sweet shop', Gravesend, photographed by Andrew Lawson, about 1977. Interior of Sweet Shop circa 1977
A colour transparency of 'Shop with a sign 'Lyons' Tea', Gravesend, photographed by Andrew Lawson, about 1977. Shop With Sign 'Lyons' Tea' circa 1977
A colour transparency of a fish stall, Greavesend, photographed by Andrew Lawson, about 1977. Fish Stall circa 1977
A colour transparency of 'interior of a sweet shop', Gravesend, Photographed by Andrew Lawson, about 1977. Interior of a sweet shop circa 1977
70x60mm brass frame with ring for hanging; support leg missing. Contains oil-painted portrait of gentleman cut down from cabinet photograph by Robert Hider of Gravesend. Hand-coloured photograph in hanging/standing frame
A black and white pigment print photograph, entitled 'Gravesend Carnival' by Tony Ray-Jones, taken in 1967. This was selected from the original contact sheet by Martin Parr, and printed from the original negative in 2013. Gravesend Carnival (1967); 2013
A black and white pigment print photograph, entitled ' Gravesend May Queen' by Tony Ray-Jones, taken in 1967. This was selected from the original contact sheet by Martin Parr, and printed from the original negative in 2013. Gravesend May Queen (1967); 2013
Vintage silver gelatin print entitled 'Gravesend May Queen' by Tony Ray-Jones, 1967. This was reproduced as plate 52 in Ray-Jones' posthumous book ''A Day Off - An English Journal' published in 1974. Gravesend May Queen 1967
Messmer, Micro-Cal paper micrometer, used for precise measurments, model no. 75004, 1978 Micro-Cal Paper Micrometer, 1978 1978
Model of a feathering paddle-wheel with counterpoised floats with balanced weights added to maintain a near vertical position, patented by William Tipple in 1861, Gravesend, Kent, United Kingdom. Model of paddle-wheel with counterpoised floats 1861