On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Ancient Greek Cupping Cup

400 BCE- 100 BCE

Pair of votive breasts

600-200 BCE

Neolithic flint scraper

4000-2001 BCE

Bottle of medicinal water from temple of Asklepios at Epidaurus


Greek holiday


Decomposed head, terracotta, Greek, 150BC-01BC

150-1 BCE

Red Pottery Jug with Chariot Illustration, Greek, 480-470 BC

480-470 BCE

Alabaster Phial, 5th Century BC

500-401 BCE

Female head with ivy leaves


Greek amphorae, for grain, from Famagusta, East Cyprus

900-800 BCE

Greek krater, 460-440 BCE

460-440 BCE

Votive Model Pottery Boat, Greek, 1st Century BC

100-1 BCE

Attic black figure

500-475 BCE

Draped figure

330-200 BCE

Hollow terracotta figure

300-200 BCE

Small figure of a female

600-400 BCE

Amphora for wine storage


Cylix, Greece, 451-400 BCE

451-400 BCE

Marble statue of Asklepios, Greek, 400-200 BCE

400-200 BCE


500-300 BCE

Plaster cast bust of Zeus


Greek holiday


Model of a Greek galley


Marble relief marking a grave, Greece, 350-300 BCE

350 BCE-300 BCE

Terracotta votive figurine representing seated woman suckling child

400-50 BCE

Bronze ladle, found at Pompeii


Statue of Artemis

300 BCE-100 BCE

Burial mask of Agamemnon, Greek, c. 1550 BCE

1600-1500 BCE (original); 1900-1914 (copy)

Wine bottle


Stone tablet

500-1 BCE

Statue of Telesphorus, Greece, 300-400 CE

300-400 CE

Model of 6th century Byzantine Dromon


Greek drinking cup (kylix)

500-480 BCE

Pottery alabastron

600-300 BCE

Decorated Pottery Vessel, Corinthian, 575-550 BC

575-550 BCE

Decorated Flagon, Corinthian, 575-550 BC

575-550 BCE

Part of a silver vase from Mycenae

1600 BCE-1100 BCE

Ancient Greek grain amphora

900-800 BCE

Ancient Greek grain amphora

900-800 BCE

Ancient Greek grain amphora

900-800 BCE

Ancient Greek grain amphora

900-800 BCE

Red figure oinochoe with trefoil mouth and handle

420-380 BCE

Black chimney type figure

470-460 BCE

Plaster replica of a Greek statue of Asklepios

1860-1920; 500-401 BCE

Greek wine jug (oinochoe), 420-410 BCE

420-410 BCE

Gilt copy of gold burial mask of Agamemnon, Mycenaean original, unsigned, Greek, 1900-1914.

Copy of 'Mask of Agamemnon'


Marble relief showing a drinking party, possibly of doctors(?), three men reclining on couches, servant stoking stove, in wooden frame, Greek, 3rd century BC

Marble relief showing a drinking party

300-201 BCE

Rectangular marble plaque, with dedicatory inscription in Greek, a thank offering after an illness, unsigned, Greek, 500BC-100BC.

Rectangular marble plaque

500-100 BCE

BBC Recording service label, Ref. No. KLO 67880, 1 ; Wats rewind ; Take 1: Train leaving Volos ; Take 2: Enroute to Milee / Location: Greece

Magnetic audio tape 1/4" 'Train leaving Volos, enroute to Milee'


BBC Recording service label, Ref. No. KLO 62880, Reel No. 3 ; Take 1: H'Chief game at Milee station ; Take 2: Train leaving Milee station (3.15 pm) ; Take 3: For Volos crossing bridge (students singing) ; Take 5: Sounds in streets of Volos ; Take 6: A. Fish market, B. Street behind harbour, horses and larts crossing railway line in street / Note: this could correspond to sound recordings of Pelion railway, a Greek railway connection the city of Volos with the town of Mileai in Greece (AB, 21/11/2016) / Location: Greece

Magnetic audio tape 1/4" 'H'chief game at Milee station, etc.'
