Engraving. Express Locomotive for the Midland Railway (4-2-2-No 26). Engraved by E Steinmetz, Hanover. Illustration from magazine. Express Locomotive for the Midland Railway (4-2-2 No 26)
Folding camera for 9 x 12cm plates. Fitted with a Busch Tiarnar Anastigmat lens F:15cm f/4.5-36 No.267107. Compur shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/150/B/T. Screw rising and cross front, rack and pinion focusing, double extension. Reflecting viewfinder missing. Ground glass focusing screen with folding hood. Glunz Model 60/I Plate camera 1920
Suit trousers and jacket, male, German red cross, 'Deutshes Rotes Kreuz' badges on left arm; red crosses on collar, 'DRK Schwesternhelfern' badge. 'DOOST' written inside collar made by C Louis Weber, Hannover, Germany German Red Cross uniform Unknown
Cunz plate camera Model 8. Folding camera for 4 inch x 5 inch plates. F:13.5cm Steinheil Munchen Doppelanastigmat Unofocal. ACG shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/T/B. Rising and cross front. Double extension bellows. Reflecting brilliant finder with spirit level Clunz plate camera No. 8
Analogue recording machine by Prakla Seismos, Hannover, mid 1960s, for recording seismic data Analogue Recording Machine by Prakla Seismos 1962-1967