On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Verge escapement watch movement by Ahasuerus Fromanteel


Barber's chair modified for dental extractions


Philips 28ML8916/05B widescreen television receiver


Mortar, decorated with coat of arms


Ronette MC.65 Crystal microphones


Philips 35/70mm Magnetic Head

Electrical meter to test charge and electronics


Set of brass coin weights


Scientific Publication: ‘The Anisotropy of the Universe at Large Times’


Wade Bequest collection of valves: Small B11 triode radio valve

Pharmacy jar, used for nerve ointment, The Netherlands, 1730-1780


Two eye baths


Rectangular mahogany medicine chest


Bronze weight, Dutch


Philips N1700 Videocasette Recorder, c 1980


Model of a horse-operated dredger


Model of a Dutch yacht of the late 18th century


Philips PC80 Camera Head


Balance (imperfect) and set of 25 weights, in case, Dutch, 1600-1630


Set of scales and weights


Small Apothecaries' balance


Mortar decorated with coat of arms


Medal, silver, probably commemorative of cowpox in Holland


Cascade generator for 1.5 million volt accelerator


Commemorative plate, 'Tommy', London & North Eastern Railway, commemorating the return of locomotive No. 6000 from Holland, 1947-1952, Delftware blue on white decoration depicting 'Tommy' in a dutch landscape, made by Makkum, British Rail Property Board No. 00687.

Commemorative plate, Tommy


Philips Type PF45 E Photoflux flashbulb

Philips Flashbulb

Black tailcoat with gold lining, labelled 'Made in Holland'.

Black tailcoat for Gordon the Gopher


Vintage silver gelatin photograph by Eric J. Hosking, titled "Red Warbler at Nest". Taken using a 1/4 plate Sanderson Field camera with an 8 1/2" Dallmeyer F/4.5 lens at F/16 1/5th sec. P. 500 plate, no filter. Photographer's stamp, image spec notes, and Focal Press paper label on verso.

Red Warbler at Nest

circa 1940s

One of two boxes flash bulbs, Philips "Photoflux" PF 5/97, blue, each containing five bulbs.

Box of Philips Photoflux Flash Bulbs

Two of two boxes flash bulbs, Philips "Photoflux" PF 5/97, blue, each containing five bulbs

Box of Philips Photoflux Flash Bulbs

Electronic pocket calculator by Texas Instruments, model TI-58, programmable. c.1978.

Electronic pocket calculator by Texas Instruments

circa 1978

Infrared lamp, 13374 E/479, 240-250 Volts.

Infrared lamp

Two glass bottles with green paper covers full of 'Cholera Drops'. Each: 60 mm x 22 mm diameter, 19g. Supplied by Willem Pitlo, Arnhem, Dutch, 1801-1900.

Two bottles of 'Cholera Drops'


Adaptor for capless flashbulbs for use in miniature bayonet cap type flash gun with ejector lever. Made in Holland.

Phillips adaptor for capless flash bulbs

Philips Type PF45 Photoflux flashbulb

Philips Flashbulb

Philips VR2021 video cassette recorder, 1981. Video 2000 System, Type VR2021/05, NER WD0413882007628. Contains a Philips 2x3 hour VC360 video cassette. This recorder represents one of the first (not the very first) mass-marketed home video recorders available in the UK using the Philips V2000 tape format.

Philips VR2021 Video Cassette Recorder


Rigged model, scale 1:8, of a Dutch Botter yacht, unsigned, Holland, 1903-1929

Rigged model of a Dutch Botter yacht


Collection of 45 colour prints by Martin Parr forming the exhibition `Small World', 1995: (43) Bulb Nursery, Holland

Bulb Nursery, Holland, 1995


Electric shaver in a leatherette case, with a two-pin electric plug, made by Philishave. With small blue booklet.

Philishave Electric Shaver

Vintage silver gelatin photograph by Eric J. Hosking, titled "Golden Eagle photographed in 1956 at its eyrie in the Scottish Highlands". Displayed in Hosking's "Looking at Birds" exhibition at Kodak House, London, April 1957. Exhibition press caption on verso.

Golden Eagle


Philips Type PF48 Photoflux flashbulb; fitted to 1982-5040/1 Speed Graphic camera.

Philips Flashbulb

Two boxes flash bulbs, Philips 'Photoflux' PF 1/97, each containing five bulbs.

Two Boxes Philips Photoflux Flash Bulbs

Vintage silver gelatin photograph by Eric J. Hosking, titled "Short-eared Owl (flashlight)". Taken in Norfolk, 1942, using a 1/4 playe Sanderson Field camera with an 8 1/2 Dallmeyer F/4.5 Serrac lens at F/11 and a baby flashlight bulb after dusk.P.1200 plate, no filter. Photographer's stamp, image spec notes, and Focal Press paper label on verso. Published in Eric J. Hosking and Cyril W. Newberry "Birds of the Night" (London: Collins, 1945), p. 89.

Short-eared Owl (flashlight)


Vintage silver gelatin photograph by Eric J. Hosking, titled "Golden Oriole feeding a Silver Y moth to its young. Nest is beautifully slung under the branch of an Alder tree." Taken in Hoofdorof, Holland, 1952. Displayed in Hoskings' exhibition "Looking at Birds". Kodak House, London, April 10-18 and 23-27, 1957. exhibition press information on verso.

Golden Oriole feeding a Silver Y moth to its young


Vintage silver gelatin photograph by Eric J. Hosking, titled "Common Tern alighting at nest." Image taken with a 1/4 plate Sanderson Field camera with 8 1/2 Dallmeyer F/4.5 Serrac lens at F/11 1/25th sec exposure. Ilford soft grad pan plate, no filter, Sun obscured by light cloud. Photographer's stamp, image spec notes, and Focal Press paper label on verso.

Common Tern alighting at nest

circa 1950s

Made in Holland. 250v 2000w large bi-pin base; for 3200°K film. Contains tungseten granules for cleaning. In original wrapping.

Philips Studio Lamp Type 13177P

Disc calculator for flash bulb exposures - PF1 and PF5 and No1 and No 2 Photolita lamps. Scales for 12-320 ASA films.

Philips Photoflux and Photolita calculator
