Notice. Windermere United Steam-Yacht Company (limited). The Windermere Steam Yachts will ply for the Season after 4 July 1859. Times of departure for lake steamers with fares, Lancaster and Carlisle Railway timetable (Windermere Branch) and coaching information to and from Newby Bridge. Black text on white background. Printed by T B Hudson, Printer, Kendal. Stuck to card. Notice, Windermere United Steam-Yacht Company (limited) 1859
12-inch diameter series 'O' Gilkes' Francis Turbine (4.2 bhp on nett working fall of 5 ft. using 570 cubic ft of water per minute; 270 rpm), with suspension bearing, steel countershaft, and hand operating gear for working guide-blades. Developed by James Bicheno Francis, it became widely accepted as the best for heads of water up to 50 m. Manufactured by Gilbert Gilkes & Co., Kendal, Cumbria, England, 1924. Francis Turbine, 1924 1924
Poster, "Opening of the Lancaster Canal a Dinner', followed by a Ball at the Kings Arms Hotel, 10th June 1819. Opening of the Lancaster Canal 1819
The Westmorland Gazette and Kendal Advertiser Vol II No.57 including an article on the opening of the lancaster canal. The Westmorland Gazette and Kendal Advertiser 1819
Workable model (scale 1:6) of Vortex Turbine, in casing with supply tank. Workable model (scale 1:6) of Vortex Turbine 1850-1888