Object type
Place of origin

Ripening wheat, near Blewbury


Daily Herald Photograph: Tithe War


Autopen 1 Insulin Delivery System


'Autopen', insulin injection pen, United Kingdom, 1985


Pair of headphones, part of Dr. Richard Sloan's Zero Gradient Aural Thermometer system


Talkland Mobile Phone


'TOSCA' Nuclear Fusion Device, 1974


Spider sequencer by Electronic Dream Plant (EDP)

circa 1979

Daily Herald Photograph: Farming


Personal Computer by Memotech


Oral history interview with Lord William Bradshaw, conducted and recorded by Frank Paterson at the interviewee's home in Oxfordshire on 9 April 2019. Duration: 1 hr. 39 min. 33 sec. British Rail (BR) career; departure in 1986; academic career; 1993 Railways Bill; Special adviser to Transport Select Committee; Chartered Institute of Transport (CIT); role of Select Committee; Adam Smith Institute; Gwyneth Dunwoody (Chair); Railtrack evidence; separation of track from trains; reports dismissed by government; Rail Regulator; Office of Passenger Rail Franchising (OPRAF); rolling stock sold below true value; comparisons with other privatisations; lawyers and accountants; Labour government; Penmanshiel Tunnel; Andrew Haines; Select Committees reports rejected by government; appointed to Strategic Rail Authority (SRA); Alastair Morton; Channel Tunnel layout at St Pancras; work of SRA; Chiltern Railways franchise; John Prescott; Hatfield accident consequences

Lord WIlliam Bradshaw interviewed by Frank Paterson


Oral history interview with Adrian Shooter, conducted and recorded by David Maidment (session 2) at the interviewee's home in Oxfordshire on 2 August 2019. Duration: 2 hr. 36. min. 13 sec. Chiltern Trains management team; track access agreements; communication with customers; working with Railtrack; growth potential north of Bicester revenue growth; working with Laing; new rolling stock; safety; Automatic Train Protection (ATP); driver only operation (DOO); Turbostar developments based on Chiltern stock; retaining Princes Risborough–Aylesbury branch; Class 165 refurbishment; asking for a 20 year franchise; Sir Alastair Morton; Birmingham Centro (West Midlands Passenger Transport Executive (WMPTE)); investment for 20 year plan; Railtrack role in infrastructure delivery; selling shares; partnership with SBB (Swiss Railways) for Wessex franchise bid; bid for Thameslink with MTR (Hong Kong); bid for London Overground with London Transport; Chairman M40 Group; changes at Chiltern; Chair Adhesion Group for 15 years; Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) Board

Adrian Shooter interviewed by David Maidment (session 2 of 3)


Oral history interview with Paul Watkinson, conducted and recorded by David Maidment in Oxfordshire on 11 August 2020. Duration: 1 hr. 18 min. 33 sec. Early career; industrial relations issues 1984-1986; strike 1989; developing privatisation alongside John Welsby and Tony Roche in reference to personnel issues; re-structuring negotiating machinery from 1956; impact of Clapham accident; Organising for Quality (OfQ); pay dispute 1989; High Court judgement; strikes; settlement; changes in industrial relations processes; businesses take on industrial relations responsibilities from British Rail (BR) Headquarters; industrial relations processes change facilitated privatisation; General Election 1992; control of privatisation process at British Railways Board (BRB); industrial relations during privatisation; protection for staff agreed; video for staff; Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEF) support; Transport Salaried Staffs' Association (TSSA) support; National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) against but saw no choice; working with Office of Passenger Rail Franchising (OPRAF) and government; working team responsible for implementing privatisation; ensuring train operating companies (TOCs) have competent teams; ensuring TOCs understand responsibilities; Roger Salmon; John Swift; signalling strike 1994; Railtrack lack of dispute handling experience; driver agreement restructuring; reflections

Paul Watkinson interviewed by David Maidment


Hough-Powell device for high speed scanning of bubble chamber film, built at the Rutherford Laboratory, c. 1971, supported by 2 boxes containing technical literature.

Hough-Powell device for high speed scanning of bubble chamber film


Helium liquefier, built at the Clarendon Laboratory in Oxford, used from 1956 to 1979 ( sectioned)

Helium liquefier


Upper and nether mill stones from Cuxham Mill, Watlington, Oxon. The mill was one of 3 Cuxham mills mentioned in Domesday, 1086, and was given to the Prior of Wallingford before Merton College, Oxford, acquired the manor in 1268-71

Upper and nether mill stones for grinding grain

before 1939

A black and white photograph entitled 'Mrs Raisa Gorbachev', taken by Suresh Karadia, during the Gorbachevs' visit to the UK in 1987. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Photographs from the Independent Newspaper'. Independent Picture label on verso.

Mrs Raisa Gorbachev


British Railways holiday guide "The Glorious Thames," 1961. Includes timetables for Salter Bros. steamers. 9.0945 x 3.9764 in.

The Glorious Thames


Germanium resistance thermometer, type CR50, with calibration chart; for use below 0.3 deg K (resistance 40 to 60 ohms at 4.2 deg K)

Germanium resistance thermometer


"Cental" (100lbs) weight, brass, marked "County of Oxford 1879"

"Cental" (100lbs) weight


Pair of 'Sonovalve' ear defenders, supplied by Racal Safety Ltd. and made by Amplivox Limited, Oxfordshire, England, 1978-1983.

Pair of 'Sonovalve' Ear Defenders


Superconducting electromagnet, prototype of the magnet used in medical magnetic resonance imaging machines, made by Oxford Magnet Technology Limited, Wharf Road, Eynsham, Witney, Oxon, OX18 1BP, England, 1989-1990.

Superconducting electromagnet
