Business records of Grimshaw Brothers Limited

Grimshaw Brothers & Company Ltd, Grimshaw, Harry, Liverpool International Exhibition, Maclure, Macdonald and Co., Daily Express, Hulton Press Limited, Kemsley Newspapers Ltd, Scottish Provident Institution, Samuel Jones and Company, The British Premier Flooring Company, Great Central Railway Co, Inland Revenue, General Post Office, Arthur E. Piggot Son & Co., C W Provis & Sons, F S Airey, Entwistle & Company, Grover, Smith and Moss, Clayton Aniline Co. Ltd., Manchester City Council, Centurion Property & Investment Company Limited, North British & Mercantile Insurance Co Ltd, Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance Company, London and Lancashire Insurance Company Ltd, The Manchester Joint Stock Bank Limited, HM Customs & Excise, Ministry of Labour, Meredith, Ray & Littler, Nixon, Alfred, Thomas Wyatt, F.H. Wakelin, Jordan & Sons Ltd, Eden Fisher and Co. Ltd, Clauson-Thue, William, The Gregg Publishing Co. Ltd, Carrad, H. L., Department of Overseas Trade, Automatic Telephone & Electric Co. Ltd, Perry Press Productions Ltd, Directories (Aust.) Ltd, Board of Trade, Pitman Ltd, The European Chemical Manufacturing Company, Burghardt, Chas. A., Board of Trade, Companies Registration Office, Sutcliffe (of Crumpsall) Ltd., William Blythe and Company Limited, Cartwright & Rattray Ltd, Bayley, Wood, Cave & Company, Midland Bank Ltd, W.W. Wilson, Patent Office, HMSO, Ministry of Labour (H.M. Factory Inspectorate), WM Dale & Co., Local Government Board, Ministry of Health, Midland Employers' Mutual Assurance Limited, Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd, Bradley, Francis Ernest, Manchester Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Waterlow and Sons Limited, Hall Brydon and Chapman, Manchester Guardian Society for the Protection of Trade, North Eastern Railway Co, Gray's Railway Publishing Co. Ltd, Macmillan & Co Ltd, Hooper, Frederick, Graham, James, The Railway and Shipping Publishing Company Limited, Railway Traders' Publishing Association (Sheffield) Ltd, British Rail: London Midland Region, British Transport Commission, The "Syren & Shipping" Ltd., Ellerman's Wilson Line, Limited, James Dowie & Co. Ltd, Marwood & Roberton Ltd, Blue Star Line Limited, Gracie, Beazley & Co., South British Insurance Company Ltd, British and Continental Steamship Company Limited, Holland Steamship Company, Imperial Chemical Industries plc, Schorlemmer, Carl, The Chemical Society, Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Manchester City News, The Pyrene Company Limited, Guardian Media Group, Society of Chemical Industry, E & F N Spon Ltd, Cross, Charles Frederick, Bevan, Edward John, J & A Churchill Ltd, von Wagner, Rudolf, Crosby Lockwood and Company, Standage, H.C., Longman Group Ltd, Thorpe, Thomas Edward, W & R Balston Ltd, Kipping, Frederic Stanley, Perkin, William Henry, Sutton, Francis, Clowes, Frank, Coleman, J Bernard, Green & Luxton Limited, Wiley, Chapman & Hall Ltd, Miller, Alfred Stanley, Edward Arnold Ltd, Shenstone, W. A., Gresham Publishing Co Ltd, Blucher, H., S. Scholes & Co., Martin, Geoffrey, American Chemical Paint Company, W. Canning & Co. Ltd, Smith, Paul Ignatius, British Museum, Industrial Newspapers Limited, International Tin Research and Development Council, Docker's Cements Ltd, Lafarge Aluminous Cement Company Ltd, Simpkin Marshall (1941) Limited, The Compendium Publishing Co. Ltd, The Textile Press Ltd, British Industrial Plastics Ltd, Davis Bros. (C.T.J) Ltd, Heywood & Co. Ltd., Peacock, Sir Robert, Ministry of Supply, The Soap Makers' and Fat Splitters' Federation, Ministry of Food, Phoenix Assurance Co Ltd, Temple, J.A., Eisenwerk Kaiserslautern, Frederick Braby & Co Ltd, Baxendale & Co Ltd, T. & C. Clark & Co. Ltd, Leonard Hill Ltd, Frederick Jackson & Co. Ltd., Lindley-Jones and Brother Ltd, A. C. Shaw & Co. Ltd., Republic Chemical Corporation, Carter Advertising Supply Co., Tennant Group, BSI Group, Crichton, Frederic, The Crichton Publishing Co., Shell Chemicals UK Limited, Engineering Limited, Lomas & Baynes Limited, Jerrard Sons & Co. Ltd, E. Wilcox & Co. (Chains) Ltd., William Armstrong, Booth & Marshall Ltd, Jenaer Glaswerk Schott & Gen., The Eye-Gee Sewing Cotton Company Limited, Henry Wiggin & Co. Ltd, Marie Curie Memorial Foundation, Business Dictionaries Ltd, The Great National Dividend Stores Ltd, "Where to Buy" Ltd., Manchester Corporation and Henry Blacklock and Company Limited

31 boxes of archival material, including Grimshaw Brothers Limited financial records, company stationery, promotional literature, letter books, constitutional records, employee records, client records, technical literature and copies of articles written by H Grimshaw, 1866-1967


10 linear metres
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