Boeing 247D Aircraft
Aircraft: Boeing 247D, serial no. 1722. Built July 1933
Aircraft, Boeing 247D, serial no. 1722. Built July 1933. (Some of switches, dials etc. are radioactive and have been given separate part numbers).
Aircraft: Boeing 247D, serial no. 1722. Built July 1933. The Boeing 247D had most of the attributes associated with the modern airliner and was built at a time when Boeing was involved in both airline ownership and management. This aeroplane (serial number 1722) was purchased after the collapse of the 'Wings & Wheels Museum' in Florida in c 1980. It was flown across the old WW2 'Northern Ferry Route', and became the oldest aircraft to have flown the Atlantic when it landed in the UK on 3 August 1983.
Aircraft: Boeing 247D, serial no. 1722. Built July 1933
Boeing 247D: Fuel gauge (pilot).
Boeing 247D: Landing light switch. (1 of 2)
Boeing 247D: Landing light switch. (2 of 2)
Boeing 247D: RPM meter (starboard)
Boeing 247D: RPM meter (port).
Boeing 247D:Manifold pressure gauge.
Boeing 247D: Cylinder head temperature gauge.
Boeing 247D: Artificial horizon.
Boeing 247D:Co-pilot air-speed indicator.
Boeing 247D: Wheel gauge.
Boeing 247D: Red & white fuel tank switch (Main).
Boeing 247D: Red & white fuel tank switch (Auxilliary).
Boeing 247D: MPH gauge.
Boeing 247D: Petot Heat (port)
Boeing 247D: Petot Heat (starboard)
Boeing 247D: Fuel gauge (port)
Boeing 247D: Fuel gauge (starboard)
Boeing 247D: Oil pressure (port)
Boeing 247D: Oil pressure (starboard)
Boeing 247D: Oil temperature (port)
Boeing 247D: Oil temperature (starboard)
Boeing 247D: Navigation switch (1 of 9)
Boeing 247D: Navigation switch (2 of 9)
Boeing 247D: Navigation switch (3 of 9)
Boeing 247D: Navigation switch (4 of 9)
Boeing 247D: Navigation switch (5 of 9)
Boeing 247D: Navigation switch (6 of 9)
Boeing 247D: Navigation switch (7 of 9)
Boeing 247D: Navigation switch (8 of 9)
Boeing 247D: Navigation switch (9 of 9)