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Carton of Araldite epoxy resin adhesive comprising cardboard box tube of hardner


Naples root dye sample

dye sample.

Dye Sample


Dye Sample

circa 1890

Dye Sample

circa 1890

Dye Sample

circa 1890

Sample of Acid Yellow Dye

circa 1890

Persian Berries Dye Sample.

Dye Sample; Alizarin

Tin of 500 anti-malaria tablets


Bottle of Gibbs' "Sunsilk" shampoo, c.1955

circa 1955

Quercitron Bark Sample

Weld Dye Sample

Dye Sample

Bark Dye Sample

Young Fustic Dye Sample

Brazilwood Log

Indigofera Plant Dye Sample

Dye Sample

Dye Sample

circa 1890

Dye Sample

circa 1890

Dye Sample

Dye Sample

circa 1890

Mauveine acetate dye in microcrystalline form in a cork-stoppered glass bottle


Abel flash point apparatus


Bar of soap, probably made in London, England

Seta-Flash, manufactured 1982 by Stanhope-Seta

Ford flow cup for viscosity measurement

Flow cup for viscosity measurement

Model of first hydraulic coal briqueting machine

Model, of Kempton Park Water Works chlorimator and ammoniator

"Minisonic" ultrasonic homogeniser, 1962


Model of plant used for refining benzole

Model of double-effect plate evaporator

Model of a vacuum-type chlorinator

Edmondson Ticket rack

Cracked blowdown flange showing caustic cracking

Model (x50) of a single crystal of vitamin B12. The inclined model crystal (10.5cm long)

"Guttman" ball

"Guttman" ball

O R Chase Lozenge making machine

Distillation column equipment mounted on perspex

Rotor and cup viscometer, with mahogany case

Redwood viscometer

Slab of sillimanite

National Benzole Mixture petrol pump

circa 1950

"Guttman" ball

Sample of Korchef Natrun

Titanium anode, spot-welded platinum wire attached