Object type
Place of origin

Ensign Rollfilm/Plate camera

circa 1920

Ensign Optiscope Number 6 projector

circa 1905

Ticka camera


Ensignette No 2 camera


Packet of 25 brown paper masks, assorted shapes for quarter plate printing frame. Houghton ltd.

ensign printing mask

Tank; for daylight development of plates in Klito patent envelopes; in box with instructions. Manufactured by Houghtons Ltd. London & Glasgow.

Klito Plate Developing Tank


The 'Princess' enlarger. By Houghtons Ltd.

The Princess Enlarger

"Sanderson Regular" quarter plate camera fitted with Compur shutter and Tessar f4.5 lens, c. 1912, with Dallmeyer Adon lens and Compur shutter; Wray wide angle lens & Epsilon shutter; Nine dark slides, c. 1914.

Sanderson Regular quarter plate camera


Ensignette camera, collapsing camera for 1 1/2 inch wide rollfilm 2 1/4 x 1 3/8 inches. Fitted with a simple lens, rotating plate with three apertures f/11, 16, 22. T/I shutter. Brilliant reflecting finder. No. 4601. Pat. 28464/1907. Dist no. P19418. Houghton-Butcher. Overall (deployed): 54 mm x 100 mm x 86 mm.

Ensignette Camera, c 1914 with Leather Case


Watch form detective camera for 18mm wide rollfilm 25 exposures, 22 x 17mm. Simple lens, fixed focus and aperture, sliding shutter T/I self capping. Lens in "winding stem" with cap attached by chain brilliant reflecting finder, as accessory automatic exposure counter. Houghtons Limited, c.1906

Ticka Detective Camera


Collapsing camera for 129 rollfilm 3 x 1 7/8 inches. Fitted with a Beck symmetrical lens f/8-32. Ensign shutter 25/50/100/B/T. Sliding lever focusing. Brilliant reflecting rotating finder. Patent 28464/1907. Houghtons Limited.

Ensignette No.2C Deluxe

Eleven envelopes for Ensign cut films (Austin Edwards emulsion) and seven plate envelopes. Houghtons Limited. With original box.

Envelopes for Houghton's Adaptor

The Sanderson Regular camera. Folding stand and hand camera for 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch plates. Zeiss Tessar F: 13.5cm f/6.3-25 NO. 672986. Inso shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/125/B/T/ Rack and pinion and sliding rising front. Swing front, drop front. Top of body opens to permit extra rise on wide angle lens. Rack and pinion focusing, double extension. Rack and pinion on lens panel slide in camera body. Reversible back. Ground glass screen masked to 1/4 plate. No. 25262. Houghtons Limited.

The Sanderson Regular Camera

Folding Klito. Houghtons Limited. 1914

Folding Klito


The 'Sanderson' folding bellows camera for plates or cutfilm size 3 1/4" x 4 1/4". Rack and pinion focusing. More than double extensions. With waist-level viewfinder and ground glass back. has an interchangeable lens panel fitted with a Dallmeyer Stigmat F.65 3" f.1 lens mounted in an Ensign Sector shutter No II, speeds 1sec - 1/100 B. & T. Made of French polished mahogany with black leather cover and brass fittings and red leather bellows. Houghton, c.1905

Sanderson folding bellows camera


Ticka watch camera, manufactured by Houghtons Ltd., London. Watch form camera for rollfilm in cassettes, 17.5mm wide 16 x 22mm. Fitted with a simple lens in watch winding stem with cap on chain, cylindrical shutter not self capping, single speed, time. With postcards of sample pictures filed. Overall: 24 mm x 57 mm (dia.).

Ticka watch camera


Plated cylindrical tank with 6cm wide spiral spring with retaining clip for film end.

Standa Roll Film Developing Tank

Folding camera for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch plate. Fitted with a symmetrical Rectimat lens f/8-45, T/B/I everset shutter. Brilliant rotating reflecting finder. Sliding focusing, scale adjustment to two positions, P and K. Ground glass focusing screen with folding hood. Houghtons Limited c.1910.

Folding Klito Camera Model 00


Folding camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch plates. No lens fitted. Sliding rising front on lens panel. Drop baseboard, swing front with Sanderson patent catch. Top of camera body raises to permit extra rise with wide angle lens. Rack and pinion focusing, double extension. Brilliant reflecting finder with rotating mask on baseboard. Reversible back with ground glass screen. Spirit level (dry) in baseboard. No. 19195. Houghtons Limited.

The Sanderson Hand Camera, Junior model

Plate tank for processing plates in Klito envelope adaptors; BP 15499-1910. Includes tank with rubber tube attached and lid.

Klito Plate tank

Card carton containing small and large tube of oxidant and magnesium powder (now mixed), packed in cotton wool. With a packet of touch paper.

Houghton's Flash Powder

Folding camera for 3 1/2 inch wide rollfilm or 3 1/8 x 4 1/8 inch plates. Fitted with a Ensign anastigmat series VIIn No.0 f/7.7-32 No.210040. Ensign Simplex II shutter (Wollen Optical Co.) 25/50/100/T/B. Lever operated rising front, sliding cross front. Sliding focusing, 2 scales for plates and film. Brilliant rotating finder with spirit level. Combination back for single plate holder. . Houghtons Limited.

Ensign 340 rollfilm camera

Folding camera for 116 rollfilm 2.5x4.25 inches; f11 simple lens; TBI shutter; reflecting finder; sliding focusing; BP22385; 1911.

Ensign rollfilm camera


Box camera for 2 3/4 inch wide film, 2 1/2 x 4 1/4 inches. Fitted with a simple lens, rotating plate with three apertures. T/I rotary shutter and two reflecting finders. Houghtons Limited. C.1910.

Ensign box camera


Box-type magazine camera for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch plates. Aldis Anastigmat lens No. 2 f/6-64. Bausch and Lomb Automat shutter 1/2/5/25/50 focusing. 2 brilliant reflecting finders, 2 spirit levels. Falling plate mechanism plates horizontal. Exposed plates removed trhough trapdoor in base. Relesaed by slide; exposure counter. With 11 metal plateholders. Yellow filter in screw mount. Lens no. 8767, camera no. 24129.

No 5A Holborn-Ilex camera


Envelope holder with integral focusing screen of wood. For cameras taking block form slides. Quarter plate. Houghtons Limited.

Houghton's envelope adaptor

100 numbered envelopes for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 film negatives in wooden box. Houghtons Limited c.1908.

negasys negative file


Wooden plate holder, made by Houghton's - also known as Houghton's Envelope plate or film adaptor. The device is for use with quarter-plate film or plates packed in blackpaper envelopes. Also has built-in celluloid focusing screen and viewing hood, collap

Wooden plate holder

Houghtons Ltd, London. Folding stand camera for 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch plates. Ross Goerz patent Double Anastigmat lens F:9 1/2 inches, f/7.7-64, No 5418, and Taylor, Taylor and Hobson wide angle rectilinear lens F:5.3, f/16-64, No 15474. Thornton Pickard rollerblind shutter Time and Inst. -15/30/45/60/75/T. Rack and pinion focusing on front and back, double extension. Sliding rising and cross front. Twoway swing back. Sanderson patent double strut swing front. Reversible back, ground glass focusing screen on hinged frame. Pendulum level. Chamfered bellows No 17482. With two bookform double wooden dark slides, and focusing cloth.

Wholeplate Sanderson Camera Regular Model

The Scout box camera, made by The Alliance Roll Film Camera Co. Ltd. Wooden box camera for 120 film, 2 1/4 x 3 1/4. Single fixed focus lens. T/I guillotine shutter. Two reflecting finders. 3 apertures in sliding plate. Sold by Geo. Houghton and Son. M2653.

The Scout box camera


Collapsing camera for 1 5/8 inch wide rollfilm 1 3/8 x 2 1/4 inches. Fitted with a simple lens, rotating plate with three apertures f/11, 16, 22. T/I/B shutter. Fixed brillaint reflecting finder. Houghtons Limited.

Ensignette Camera

Folding stand camera for 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch plates. Fitted with an Ensign Symmetrical lens f/8-64. Thornton Pickard Time and Inst. Shutter 15/25/40/60/80. Sliding rising front. Rack and pinion focusing at front and back of baseboard. Double extension. Reversible back, ground glass missing. Tripod turntable in baseboard. Houghtons Limited.

EMPRESS Whole Plate Stand Camera

Quarter plate Ensign.

Quarter plate Ensign camera, 1912


Folding Klito No. 000. Houghtons Limited, 1914

Folding Klito No. 000 Bellows Camera and Three Single, Metal Darkslides.


Triple Victo. Houghtons Limited 1905. In case with three double darkslides.

Triple Victo


'Klito' No 2 magazine plate camera. Boxform. Focussing 3'-inf. Beck single achromat lens f.11, 16, 22 and 32. Shutter 1/2/4/20/50/100/T. Two brilliant reflex finders built in with a ball bearing level. 24 plate holder capacity with exposure counter. Complete with twelve plateholders. Made by Houghtons Ltd of London.

Klito No 2 Magazine Plate Camera


Ensign Ensignette miniature camera for No 128 rollfilm 1 1/2 x 2 1/4. Fitted with an Achromat Meniscus F.11 lens ina leaf scissor type of shutter, time and instantaneous. Fixed speed release with waist-level brilliant viewfinder. c.1909

Ensign Ensignette Miniature Camera and Case.


Folding roll film. Houghtons Limited, 1920

Houghtons' Rollfilm Camera


Folding Klito No. 00. Houghtons, 1914. With three single metal darkslides.

Folding Klito No. 00. Houghtons


Ensign Klito folding bellows camera for plates or cutfilm negative size 3 1/2 x 5 1/2. Drop-front pull-out type with double extension bellows. Rack and pinion focusing. Fitted in a Plutar Extra Rapid Aplanat F.8 lens mounted in an Ensign Simplex II everset shutter, speeds 1/25 1/100 B. & T. With back ground-glass screen and waist-level viewfonder.Of wood and metal construction with black leather cover. Houghton, c 1922.

Ensign Klito Folding Bellows Camera, c 1915


Ensign Cupid. Houghtons Limited, 1925.

Ensign Cupid, 1925


Box Ensign 2 1/4 B box camera for rollfilm 120 2 1/4 x 3 1/4". Fitted with a fixed focus meniscus lens. Strip of metal with three cut out circles acts as stops. Shutter has two settings: instantaneous and time. With two waistlevel viewfinders and a wire frame finder. Houghton-Butcher, c.1910.

Ensign 2 1/4 B Box Camera, c 1910


Folding Klito. Houghtons Limited. 1913. With three single metal darkslides.

Folding Klito Camera


Quarter plate Sanderson camera fitted with Ross Xpres lens, with Ross wide angle lens, a Willington light filters Nos. 1 & 2, four dark slides, and monogrammed dark cloth; all in leather case, c. 1910.

Sanderson Camera and Case


Ensign folding bellows camera for rollfilm 3 1/4 x 4 1/4" size. Drop-front pull-out standard type with manual focusing. Fitted with an Aldis-Anastigmat F.7.7, 5.5" f.1 mountedin a 3-speed 'Tricho' shutter. With brilliant waist-level viewfinder with spirit level attached to front standard, Of wood and metal construction covered in black leather. Houghton and Butcher Manufacturing Co. Ltd., c 1912.

Ensign folding bellows camera, c 1910


Postcard size film negative with decorative floral border and aperture for 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inch negatives.

Ensign Art Border Negative No.6

Sanderson plate camera, with; leather carying case, two plate slides, tripod, dark cloth, unexposed plates, exposure meter and an actionmeter.


Houghtons Ltd. 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch size.

Holborn Adaptor For Filmpacks

Folding camera for 3.25x4.25 inch plates; Busch Anastigmat lens F:5 inch f/6; Unicum shutter 1-1/100; pneumatic release; reflecting finder missing; folding optical frame finder added; sliding rising and cross front; sliding focusing; with 4 single metal darkslides.

Houghton folding plate camera (Cameo?)


Magazine camera; simple lens; rotating plate with 4 apertures f/11-f/32; shutter speeds; 1/10-1/80th second; 2 reflecting finders; no 6030.

Klito Falling Plate Magazine Camera