205mm x 130mm

Request for publications

330mm x 205mm

Headed notepaper

205mm x 130mm

Printed note informing students of a lecture on "Effects of Pressure on the Boiling and Freezing Points"

260mm x 130mm

Printed note informing students of new programmes for Technological Cotton Manufacture.

115mm x 180mm

Invitation to attend prize giving

115mm x 180mm

Subscription form

105mm x 130mm

Ticket to opening of new school of science and art

175mm x 125mm

Seventeenth Annual Report of the Oldham School of Science and Art and the fourth report of the trustees of the Platt exhibition fund

205mm x 130mm

Printed note informing students of classes for technological iron and steel

180mm x 115mm

Invitation to attend building construction class

2 pages in 1 item. 205mm x 130mm

Form to be filled by new student

205mm x 130mm

Form to be filled by new student

240mm x 190mm

Printed note informing students of location of usual and extra classes

4 pages in 1 item. 210mm x 135mm

Notification of distribution of prizes, by Hon. E. Lyulph Stanley MP

180mm x 115mm

Letter notifying postponement of opening of the new school

180mm x 115mm

Letter notifying postponement of opening of the new school

205mm x 130mm

Industrial classes as defined by the Department of Science and Art

100mm x 75mm

Library loan slip

205mm x 130mm

Printed note to students

205mm x 130mm

Printed note to students

340mm x 205mm

Instructions to candidates sitting examinations

130mm x 205mm

Extracts from reports 1877 to 1880

205mm x 130mm

Note to students regarding machine calculations exam

205mm x 130mm

Note to students regarding commercial examinations

113mm x 75mm

Ticket to conversazione

225mm x 95mm


110mm x 75mm

Ticket to distribution of prizes

260mm x 130mm

Printed note informing students of new programmes for obtaining Technological Certificates

110mm x 75mm

Ticket to distribution of prizes

110mm x 75mm

Ticket to distribution of prizes

180mm x 115mm

Invitation to attend technological cotton class

68 items

Oldham School of Science and Art

120mm x 180mm

Eighteenth annual report of the Oldham School of Science and Art and the fifth report of the trustees of the Platt exhibition fund

1 item

Absent note

205mm x 130mm

Printed note informing students of lectures in acoustics, light and heat

230mm x 180mm

Leaflet announcing distribution of prizes

260mm x 205mm

Reminder to keep class registers of attendance

510mm x 280mm

Report on distribution of prizes 16th January 1882

2 pages in 1 item, 125mm x 205mm

Printed questionnaire to parents and guardian.

205mm x 130mm

Printed note promoting the school to outside establishments

205mm x 130mm

Printed note promoting the school to Sunday schools

230mm x 180mm

Leaflet announcing distribution of prizes

210mm x 130mm

Letter regarding prizegiving

210mm x 130mm

Letter regarding prizegiving

210mm x 130mm

Letter invitation to lecture

205mm x 130mm

Note to students interested in competing for a Whitworth exhibition

1 item

Form for admission

7 pages in 1 item. 185mm x 120mm

Bundle of notes to students

220mm x 95mm


1 sheet, 215mm x 140mm

Small poster