Railway carriage, Great Western Railway, Buffet Car No 9631, built in 1934. Buffet Car No 9631, Great Western Railway 1934
Galvanised cast iron sinker weight hollowed at base, for Ocean depth sounding machine, used for marine vessel navigation, patented by Sir William Baron Kelvin Thomson, British, 1876 and made by James White, Glasgow, Scotland, 1876 Galvanised cast iron sinker weight hollowed at base 1876
Bichromate or Poggendorf cell; glass bottle with long narrow neck and brass collar. Into brass collar fits a stopper with two terminals and screw for locking central zinc plate at any height. Zinc plate is flanked on either side by carbon blocks, which in this case are made in two halves so they can be replaced. Poggendorf or bichromate cell
Galvanised cast iron sinker weight hollowed at base, for Ocean depth sounding machine, used for marine vessel navigation, patented by Sir William Baron Kelvin Thomson, British, 1876 and made by James White, Glasgow, Scotland, 1876 Galvanised cast iron sinker weight, for Ocean depth sounding machine, used for marine vessel navigation 1876
Galvanised cast iron sinker weight hollowed at base, for Ocean depth sounding machine, used for marine vessel navigation, patented by Sir William Baron Kelvin Thomson, British, 1876 and made by James White, Glasgow, Scotland, 1876 Galvanised cast iron sinker weight hollowed at base 1876