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COVID-19 testing kit


Saliva collection kit for COVID-19 testing


Conceptual prototype of the SAMBA II (Simple AMplification Based Assay)


SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 test


SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 test


Prototype of the Attomarker device, a multi-biomarker blood analysis tool based on nanophotonic array technology using a single pin-prick of blood, marketed as the world’s first pocket laboratory with cloud based monitoring via a smartphone app, consisting of single-use test cartridge, dummy iPhone and sticker display screen, developed by Attomarker Ltd with parts made by thinXXS, Scienion and assembled by Esterline, 2019

Attomarker diagnostic test


Box of 7 SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test (self-testing), Flowflex brand, lot A1060005, expiry date 16 May 2023, made by ACON Biotech (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd, 17 May 2021

Box of 7 lateral flow tests


A prototype diagnostic kit, USENSe™, made by Module Innovations Private Ltd to detect four bacterial causing infections from urine, Puna, India, 2017

USENSe™ diagnostic test


Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) home COVID-19 testing kit, 2020-2021

At home kit for PCR (polymerase chain reaction) COVID-19 test


Boxed set of 25 SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid qualitative tests, lot X2103013, date of manufacture 2021.03.08, expiry date 2023.03.07, containing instruction leaflet, qualification certificate, 2 cardboard buffer tube holders, 25 sealed SARS-CoV-2 Antigen test Cartridges, 25 sealed disposable swabs, 25 plastic buffer solution holders, and 2 6 ml bottles of extraction solution, made for Innova Medical Group, Inc by Xiamen Biotime Biotechnology Co., Ltd, China, 2020-2021

Lateral flow tests for COVID-19


Box of 7 Rapid COVID-19 (Antigen) Self-Test, containing 7 test cassettes, 7 sterile swabs, 7 extraction tubes with buffer, 7 nozzle caps, 1 instruction for use, 1 extraction tube holder, 7 waste bags and 1 QC certificate, lot 2106709 expiry date June 2023, made by Zhejiang Orient Gene Biotech Co., Ltd, 2021

Box of 7 lateral flow tests


Boxed set of 25 SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid qualitative tests, lot X2103013, date of manufacture 2021.03.08, expiry date 2023.03.07, containing instruction leaflet, qualification certificate, 2 cardboard buffer tube holders, 25 sealed SARS-CoV-2 Antigen test Cartridges, 25 sealed disposable swabs, 25 plastic buffer solution holders, and 2 6 ml bottles of extraction solution, made for Innova Medical Group, Inc by Xiamen Biotime Biotechnology Co., Ltd, China, 2020-2021

Lateral flow tests for COVID-19


Envelope containing test sample tube with red cap with label “this is a test sample void”, a clear bag with label “this is a test sample void”,, test instructions and cardboard packaging UN 3373 Biological Substance, Category B, ‘’expander’ pattern with label “this is a test sample void”, absorbent pad, security seal, kit of the type used at Cambridge COVID-19 Test Centre, based at the Anne McLaren Building on the University of Cambridge Biomedical Campus, April 2020 - April 2021

COVID-19 testing kit


Coronavirus (COVID-19) blood antibody test kit containing 3 unused lancets, blood collection tube (lot number 0238527) instruction leaflet, return form, absorbent pad, postal bag, 95 kPA specimen transport bag, sealed AeroWipe alcohol swab for skin cleaning, 2 A-Care plasters, sealed AeroWipe cleansing wipe and cardboard UN3373 medical mailing box, 2021

COVID-19 blood antibody test kit