Object type
Place of origin

Tinder-pouch (length 2 1/2 ins) of fine brown leather

Tinder-pouch of bright red leather

before 1937

Tinder-pouch (breadth 7 1/2 ins) of buff leather

Tinder-pouch (length 5 1/2 ins) of brown leather

Tinder-pouch (length 7 1/2 ins) of brown leather


Tinder-pouch (4 3/4 ins) of red leather

Tinder-pouch of brown leather, with sewn-on ears of red leather; oval (length 3 3/4 ins) and shallow, like one above (no. 932); edges drawn together by a thong; contains steel (of early Scandinavian type), and tinder (amadou); with it (but perhaps not belonging) is a portion of a belt of brown leather, sewn with a narrow strip of green parchment; bought in Bazaar at Smyrna, 29 Nov. 1855. Asia Minor. [One of 14 examples (nos 939-952). All ASiatic. Most designed to be suspended from a belt or girdle. Steel is usually carried inside the pouch together with flint and tinder. Tinder is usually fungus-tinder, but often match-tinder in the form of cotton threads loosely twisted into cord an d inserted into a small bamboo tube or hollow stick].

Tinder-pouch of brown leather

Tinder-pouch (breadth 5 3/4 ins) of thick brown leather, with large cover-flap of similar leather; pouch roughly semi-circular; exterior stamped very rudely with semi-circular lines on one side and zig-zag lines on other; loop on back for affixing it to wearer's belt; contains steel (plain, rectangular, and without hand-hold) and tinder (fungus); hinged to this pouch along straight upper edge is the large flap of leather, doubled, bound round edge with silver wire and studded all over with tiny silver nails or studs, very closely set, in straight and zig-zag lines, to form a pattern, and clinched on inner side; at bottom, a straight projection (1 1/2 in deep), also studded, its straight bottom provided with four small rings, to which short chains (all but one missing) have been attached. India. [One of 14 examples (nos 939-952). All ASiatic. Most designed to be suspended from a belt or girdle. Steel is usually carried inside the pouch together with flint and tinder. Tinder is usually fungus-tinder, but often match-tinder in the form of cotton threads loosely twisted into cord an d inserted into a small bamboo tube or hollow stick].

Tinder-pouch (breadth 5 3/4 ins) of thick brown leather

Tinder-pouch (depth 3 ins) of thick brown leather, with tuck-in flap; two inner pockets contain flint (a thin whitish flake), a very small steel (length 1 1/5 in) (see no. 482), and tinder (fungus). Cyprus.

Tinder-pouch (depth 3 ins) of thick brown leather

Tinder-pouch (depth 3 7/8 ins) of brown ribbed leather; very deep and narrow; small flap kept closed by a slit and stud; a small steel suspension-ring in one upper corner; contains flint (a thin gun-flint, ? French), steel (almost oval and stamped with a heart-shaped device), and tinder (match-coard). ? France.


Tinder-pouch (length 5 ins) of seal-skin, covered with hair; long and narrow; flap kept closed by a leather thong; contains flint (two rough lumps) and steel (made from old file); from Essex. England.

Tinder-pouch (length 5 ins) of seal-skin