3-D model of a skull of a female patient with the genetic disease Treacher Collins syndrome, London, England, 1999 1999
Skylark experimental package. U.V. astronomy (U.C. London design) Skylark Experimental Package. U.V. Astronomy
X-ray spectrometer using proportional counter. Experiment C flight spare for Ariel 5 X-ray astronomy satellite, United Kingdom, 1972-74. X-ray Spectrometer and C Flight Spare for Ariel V (UK5) Satellite, British, 1972-74 1972-1974
Head cap with the fibre optodes for measuring brain oxygenation and metabolism in the brains of adults with phantom head, made by MetaboLight, United Kingdom Head cap for measuring brain oxygenation and metabolism in the brains of adults 2022
Head cap with the fibre optodes for measuring brain oxygenation and metabolism in the brains of newborns with phantom head, made by MetaboLight, United Kingdom Head cap for measuring brain oxygenation and metabolism in the brains of newborns 2022
Experiment A flight spare for Ariel V (UK5) rotating-collimator X-ray detector, British, 1972-74. A Flight Spare for Ariel V (UK5) Rotating-collimator X-ray Detector, British, 1972-74 1972-1974