On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Exosat Flight Spare, Gas Scintillation Proportional Counter, England, 1981-83


First developmental prototype of neurolog apparatus made by Dr Eugene Merrill

late 1970s

Experimental continuous feed stirred tank reactor, London, England, 1973


Exosat Flight Spare Medium-energy Proportional Counter, English, 1981-83


3-D model of a skull of a female patient with the genetic disease Treacher Collins syndrome, London, England, 1999


3-D model of a skull with treatment for the genetic disease Treacher Collins syndrome


Head cap with the fibre optodes for measuring brain oxygenation and metabolism in the brains of adults with phantom head, made by MetaboLight, United Kingdom

Head cap for measuring brain oxygenation and metabolism in the brains of adults


Head cap with the fibre optodes for measuring brain oxygenation and metabolism in the brains of newborns with phantom head, made by MetaboLight, United Kingdom

Head cap for measuring brain oxygenation and metabolism in the brains of newborns


Central tracking detector (CTD) from ZEUS experiment, used in HERA particle collider at DESY, Hamburg, 1992-2007. Consists of main detector and two metal plates removed to show internal workings.

Central tracking detector (CTD) from ZEUS experiment


X-ray spectrometer using proportional counter. Experiment C flight spare for Ariel 5 X-ray astronomy satellite, United Kingdom, 1972-74.

X-ray Spectrometer and C Flight Spare for Ariel V (UK5) Satellite, British, 1972-74


Skylark experimental package. U.V. astronomy (U.C. London design)

Skylark experimental package. U.V. astronomy

Experiment A flight spare for Ariel V (UK5) rotating-collimator X-ray detector, British, 1972-74.

A Flight Spare for Ariel V (UK5) Rotating-collimator X-ray Detector, British, 1972-74


60 pages

Prospectus for University College London School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Postgraduate Taught Programmes and Research

24 pages

Systems Engineering Integrated Graduate Development Programme Course Information Booklet

68 pages in 1 item. 212mm x 138mm.

Faculties of arts and laws and of science, including the department of applied science and technology and the Slade School of fine art. Session 1881-1882

36 pages in 1 item. 217mm x 137mm.

Report of the Council, financial statements, and other documents, to be presented to the members of the College at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 22nd February 1882.

68 pages in 1 item. 212mm x 138mm.

Faculties of arts and laws and of science, including the department of applied science and technology and the Slade School of fine art. Session 1881-1882

16 pages in 1 item. 138mm x 210mm.

Technical education. The introductory lecture delivered before the faculties of arts and laws and of science, October 1st 1879, by Charles Graham, D.Sc.