Wax anatomical model of hand, showing xanthoma, in glass case, by Joseph Towne, English, 1825-1879 Wax anatomical model of hand 1825-1879
Wax anatomical model of elbow, showing psoriasis, in glass case, by Joseph Towne, English, 1825-1879 Wax anatomical model of elbow 1825-1879
Wax anatomical model of child's arm, showing herpes iris, by Joseph Towne, English, 1825-1879 Wax anatomical model of child's arm 1825-1879
Wax anatomical model of thigh, showing psoriasis guttata, in glass case, by Joseph Towne, English, 1825-1879 Wax anatomical model of thigh 1825-1879
Wax anatomical model of leg, showing pupura urticans, in glass case, by Joseph Towne, English, 1825-1879 Wax anatomical model of leg 1825-1879
Wax anatomical model of boy's groin, showing eczma rubrum, in glass case, by Joseph Towne, English, 1825-1879 Wax anatomical model of boy's groin 1825-1879
Wax anatomical model of scalp, showing scthyma cacheticum, in glass case by Joseph Towne, English, 1825-1879 Wax anatomical model of scalp 1825-1879