Mather and Platt 5A 25HP motor from Snaefell Mountain Railway, Isle of Man. Mathers and Platt 5A 25HP motor, Snaefell Mountain Railway
Electric heavy-duty motor: ‘The Croydon MOTOR’, 80 HP, one of two, by Croydon Engineering Co. Ltd., Croydon, Surrey, England, 1945-1948. Used to power Morse Creed telegraph equipment. Heavy duty electric motor, for Morse Creed telegraph equipment 1945-1948
Single frame/animation motor No 92, for use with Mitchell Vistavision Studio camera VV30. Used by Eon Productions Ltd. Case labelled 'Moores & Griffin Ltd, 14B Merton Park Parade, Kingston Rd, London S.W.19. 3NT.' Single Frame/Animation Motor No 92 1950s
Crompton Gramme wound D C motor - 1896, 15H.P., 600 rpm., 110v., and a spare armature Crompton Gramme wound D C motor - 1896 1896
Induction motor, 3PH, 50bhp, by Metropolitan Vickers, ser. no. 433193/2/01, with centrifugal stereophagus pump by Hathorn Davey and Co. Ltd., Leeds, to the Hon. R.C. Parsons patent no. 26913, 1910 Induction motor
Crompton locomotive motor-1896, complete with wheels and armature direct on axle. Used on City and South London Railway Crompton locomotive motor-1896 1896
Seagull outboard motor, serial possibly OA no. 03643 by John Marston, Wolverhampton; likely made 1935 Seagull Outboard Motor circa 1935
Chow solid fuel rocket motor used in the Seadart surface-to-air (or surface-to-surface) missile Chow solid fuel rocket motor used in the Seadart surface-to-surface missile
Troy solid fuel rocket motor (boost plus sustain) used in the Rapier surface-to-air missile Troy solid fuel rocket motor
Pointer solid fuel rocket motor used in the Swingfire anti-tank missile Pointer solid fuel rocket motor used in the Swingfire anti-tank missile
Wolfhound solid fuel rocket motor (sectioned) used in the Thunderbird surface-to-air missile Wolfhound solid fuel rocket motor