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Notebook P


Notebook Q


The Rastrick Notebook


Laboratory notebook, England, 1980-1984


Sir Victor Horsley's laboratory notebook


Buff, lab notebook `C Ag III. Feb 1981'

James Lovelock’s notes for a lecture about detecting life on other planets


Southern Rail Booking Clerk notebook and photo


"Ideas" book on tapesty, 1906-1923. Part of the Morton Collection.

Notebook made out by R.S.E Hannay showing analysis of various F.N.F trials

James Lovelock’s ‘Ideas’ notebook

circa 2000

James Lovelock’s early drafts of Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth


Laboratory notebook dated April 1858 - April 1862, of Sir William Crookes, in which the first observation of the thallium green spectroscope line was recorded in March 1861. One of a collection of thirty-one specimens illustrating the discovery of thallium, and, two books belonging to Sir William Crookes, England, 1858-1862

Laboratory notebook, April 1858 - April 1862


Notebook, with Mauchline ware cover, wooden, depicting "Locomotion No. 1", manufactured in 1875 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stockton & Darlington Railway. Inscribed on reverse "The First Engine Employed on a Public Railway, built by George Stephenson, Engineer, 1825".

Mauchline Ware notebook with Locomotion No. 1


A6 blue hardbacked notebook given to heart transplant receipents at Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to record their daily doses of medication post transplant, owned by a person who had a heart transplant charting their medication from the days prior to their transplant and post-operation

Notebook given to heart transplant recipients


Notebook used by E. A. Langridge of the LMS Drawing Office at Derby Works, 1937 to 1939. Contains notes on drawing office work, drawings made, calculations, etc. and various inserts.

Notebook of E. A. Langridge


North Eastern Railway hand-written "Register of Shed Staff & Other Classes at Kirby Stephen & Tebay," recording the staff's dates of birth, when they joined the company, fines and punishments, wages, when they left, etc. The book continued in use into the LNER period, as it records staff on strike during the General Strike of 1926. Various fines notes and forms have been pinned in.

Register of Shed Staff & Other Classes at Kirby Stephen & Tebay

circa 1903-1926

Surveyors notebook of Stockton & Darlington Railway, c 1822

Surveyors notebook of Stockton & Darlington Railway, c.1822

Notebook, Midland Railway gangers and permanent way department time book for Settle - Carlisle Line, dated 1 June 1882 to 26 April 1883. Parts of first pages torn away, but appears to have been issued to John Hunt of Horton. Each double page lists the gangers' names, occupations, days worked, rate of pay and remarks.

Midland Railway permanent way gangers time book


Notebook, handwritten, including cuttings, made by ECK Rogers relating to his work in the Nottingham area on goods movement and signalling

Notebook, handwritten, including cuttings


Manuscript notebook compiled by C. F. Dendy Marshall, "Robert Stephenson & Co. Ltd. List of Locomotives." Contains a rough running list of the locomotives made by Robert Stephenson & Co., with various other notes, references etc. including extracts from various books, reports etc. re Stephenson locomotives. The book has been used from both the back and the front.

Robert Stephenson & Co. Ltd. List of Locomotives

Notebook, belonging to Patrick Stirling, entitled 'Result of Enquiries into Cases of Misconduct', 1853 - 1861, dimensions 185 x 114mm.

result of enquiries into cases of misconduct


Notebook of manuscript notes and circuit diagrams on telegraphs and mechanical signalling etc. at Nantybach signalbox, made by Samuel Edge, Lineman, October 1955.

Notes and diagrams on telegraphs and signalling at Nantybach


Notebook, paper with card covers, logbook of Driver E. Niblett, 30 November 1960 to 30 June 1961. Driver Niblett was based at Hereford shed. The book is actually a cut-in-half larger BR printed logbook and contains entries mainly in pencil of date, time, loco number, fireman and timings. Includes interesting comments in the 'remarks' section on condition of locos, incidents etc.

Logbook of Driver E. Niblett

1960-11-30 to 1961-06-30

Notebook, paper with leather-covered card covers, notebook of John Harrison, Peterborough, 3 February 1864. Appears to be a railway engineer's commonplace book. Includes rules for solving problems with safety valves, experiments on pressure gauge accuracy in various locomotives, calculations on horsepower, notes on various pumping engines, notes on materials, specification of a six-wheeled coupled goods engine, etc. Some of the entries note their sources.

Notebook of John Harrison


Notebook, paper with card covers covered in varnished linen, notebook of Driver William Holbrey, circa 1926 to 1927. The notebook contains training notes and technical instructions for operating steam locomotives. This is followed by diary-style entries noting trains worked, locomotive numbers, crew names, where working etc., from 25 August 1926 to 18 Aug. 1927. The back of the book contains a a briefer work log, from 10 Jan. 1926 to 24 Sep. 1927. The training notes appear to pre-date the log entries. Driver Holbrey worked for the Great Central Railway and then the London & North Eastern Railway, at Neepsend and Darnall sheds.

Notebook of Driver William Holbrey

circa 1926-1927

Notebook, paper with card covers, manuscript, Practical Knowledge, by Thomas Marshall of Annesley Shed, near Nottingham, 1940. Contains notes and transcripts of useful information inclduing the following sections: Sectional Times on the GN Routes; distances of stations from King's Cross and Edinburgh; Single Line Working; 'Rules'; procedures during foggy weather; Walschaert valve gear; various junction diagrams; Wrong Line Orders; lengths of tunnels; Permanent Way Notices; Duties of Engine Pilotman; notes on various locomotives; railway heraldary, etc.

Practical Knowledge


[Ms. laboratory notebook of 'works orders' for 14-c compounds / Radiochemical Centre. 1948 Nov-1954 Aug. See also inv. nos. 1977-236 & 237 (MS 1382)]

Ms. laboratory notebook of 'works orders' for 14-c compounds


[Notebook containing ms. equations of certain bicircloids by Henry Perigal Jun., bound with various offprints by S.M. Drach and William Beverley and by Perigal, including from his 'Contributions to Kinematics'. A complement to Perigal's geometric pen in the Museum's Mathematics Collection ( 1910-151)]

Bicircloids &c.

circa 1844-1859

[Ms. notebook on air reconnaissance kept by member of Royal Flying Corps / A.R. Russell. ca.1916-1917. 1 vol., chiefly comprising notes on aspects of aerial photography, with diagrams, photos etc stuck in. On front inside board are 'Instructions for Camera type "L"'/The Williamson Kinematograph Co. Ltd., London. Tipped in (now in two accompanying slipcases) are ts. 'Notes on organization, equipment and training for photography', 'Notes on oblique photography', 'Standing instructions for photographic sections - home stations', printed 'Notes on photography as practised in the Royal Flying Corps in the B.E.F.' (24p) 1916, envelope of 'Diagrams [photos] issued by S.O.P.', etc. The RFC's Training Division School of Photography was at Farnborough, Hants. (Possibly formerly on inventory as 1950-386/19). See also MS 646, inv. no. 1950-386/9]

Ms. notebook on air reconnaissance kept by member of Royal Flying Corps

circa 1916-1917

[On Magnetism] / Archibald Smith. [Ms. notebook (88p.), 1839-1847. Includes calculations of 'Motion of a slightly disturbed magnetic needle', re a 'Flying Machine', re 'Effect of Careening a ship on the compass', re 'Loss of Sphynx', 'Equations to be sent to Col. Sabine', 'Poisson's Theory', 'Kepler's Problem'.

On Magnetism, Ms. notebook (88p.)

circa 1839-1847

[Notebook used by V. K. Chew, Royal Signals, when instructing in radio communications at 151 OCTU, 1941-42. Book includes sections on map reading and British Army's basic structural organisation and administration]

Notebook used by V. K. Chew


Notebook, manuscript, containing notes taken by W.R. Bruce during lectures on Railway Economics at Darlington 1928-1929

Notebook of notes on Railway Economics, 1928-1929


Notebook, paper with card covers and metal spiral binding, manuscript, contains notes on essential qualifications, suggested questions and answers for Special Class B Accidents Clerk's post. Signature on the cover, may read A.H. Wells, 1950-1959.

Accidents Clerk Examinations notes


Notebook with handwritten notes, containing a variety of invention ideas, by James Lovelock, no date. Includes diagrams for a ‘heat of absorption detector’ and ‘gas tank sensor’, interspersed with some more playful ideas such as a ‘Dalek destroyer’. The notebook is a narrow spiral bound notebook; modern paper; ballpoint pen ink and pencil .

James Lovelock’s inventions notebook

Notebook with blue leather cover, empty, from doctor’s bag, English, 1925-1935

Notebook with blue leather cover, from doctor’s bag, English, 1925-1935


Notebook on James Morton's efforts on behalf of McLaurin Carbonisation, 1921-1922.

Notebook on James Morton's efforts on behalf of McLaurin Carbonisation, 1921-1922.

"Ideas" notebook by James Morton, Sundour Trials, processes etc., 1910-1928. Part of the Morton Collection.

"Ideas" notebook by James Morton

Light brown A4 Dingbats* notebook, used by Kate Bingham during her time as Chair of the UK Vaccine Taskforce, 2020

Notebook used by Kate Bingham when Chair of the UK Vaccine Taskforce


Notebook belonging to James Lovelock whilst studying chemistry at the University of Manchester, 1939. Unable to read label on front cover as partially torn. Includes sketches; doodles; lecture notes, mostly on chemistry; diagrams. Pages titled 'Atomic Structure', 'Hydrogen', 'Coordination Compounds', plus many others. Pages at the back have been torn out. Ink and pencil; binding and front cover damaged; measurement of depth 24 mm, when open 376 mm (w).

Chemistry notebook of James Lovelock, whilst studying at the University of Manchester


Notes taken on physiology and anatomy by Valerie Davis during her training to become an occupational therapist as part of the Association of Occupational Therapists Diploma 1954-1957

Notebooks on physiology and anatomy courses as part of occupational therapy training


Notebook created by Frank Baxter containing notes and records supporting civil engineering works he was involved in, with coloured illustrations and fine detail

Notebook created by Frank Baxter

Notebook created by Frank Baxter containing notes and records of civil engineering works he was involved in, with coloured illustrations and fine detail

Notebook created by Frank Baxter

Notebook of Mr Leetall, Signal Inspector, York, North Eastern Railway, York, 1862-1865. Includes details of faults and signals examined over the North Eastern Railway System including sections of the line from York to Darlington, Church Fenton to Harrogate, York to Harrogate, Leeds to Stockton, Dalton Junction to Richmond and Northallerton to Leyburn and also Leeds to Selby, Nidd Valley, Boroughbridge and Rosedale branches. 1 volume.

Notebook of Mr Leetall


Maquette 'England By The Sea' and associated notebook and workbook belonging to Tony Ray-Jones

England By The Sea

Notebook, paper bound with leather, North British Railway Locomotive Notebook, circa 1890s to 1931. Records details of NBR locomotives - number, built by, date, class, cylinders, wheels coupled, wheel diameter. Contains substantial additions and updates recording rebuilds, condemnations etc. under the LNER. The end of the book also contains lists of engines by class with various details such as delivery date etc.

North British Railway Locomotive Notebook

circa 1890s-1931

Three notebooks used by Mark Levy whilst studying at the Ecole d’horlogerie, part of the technicum of La Chaux de Fonds Switzerland.

Notebooks used by Mark Levy whilst studying at the Ecole d’horlogerie

North Eastern Railway notebook "Goods Audit Records from March 1848" containing chronological entries of when staff started and left the Goods Audit Department at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and died, 10 March 1848 to 13 March 1968. Stuck inside the front cover are various press clippings and photographs of staff. Inside the back cover are various scraps with notes. 2005-7527 was probably copied from this book.

Goods Audit Records from March 1848


Notebook - Battery charging record for SR carriages at Stewart's Lane depot, 1931 to 1938. Handwritten entries recording date, type and number of carriage, time charging commenced, cells, amps, time charging switched off, and whether charged up to total amps. Includes records for several named Pullman carriages and Royal carriages. Some pages missing between May and December 1931.

Battery charging record for SR carriages


Notebook containing information relating to the purchasing of protective clothing by the Southern Railway. Copied from the original register as an aide memoir by Mr Matthews, clerk at the Clothing Depot, Battersea. Includes information regarding standard orders, contractors, delivery dates, standard issues of clothing, misfit percentages, grades & the years in which items were issued etc.

Purchasing of protective clothing by the Southern Railway
