One of nineteen photographs taken by the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, showing M. Lacailles' wall sundial in Cape Town. One of nineteen photographs taken by the Royal Observatory 1909
Models of (a) Celestial hemispheres (Kapali) (b) equatorially mounted circles (Chakra Yantra), scale 1:24, in the Jaipur Observatory Models of (a) Celestial hemispheres (Kapali) (b) equatorially mounted circles (Chakra Yantra) 1884-1886
model of Azimuth instrument (Diagamsa Yantra), scale 1: 24, in the Jaipur Observatory model of Azimuth instrument (Diagamsa Yantra) 1884-1886
model of sundial, similar to Samrat Yantra, scale 1:24, in the Jaipur Observatory Model of Samrat Yantra at Jaipur Observatory, 1884-1886 1884-1886
model of complementary hemispheres (Jai Prakash), scale 1:24, in the Jaipur Observatory Model of Jai Prakash at Jaipur Observatory, 1884-1886 1884-1886
models of altitude and azimuth instrument (Ram Yantra), scale 1:24 (two models each complementary to the other) in the Jaipur Observatory Model of Ram Yantra at Jaipur Observatory, 1884-1886 1884-1886
Brass portable sundial with magnetic compass, by L. Casella & Co., London, possibly owned by David Livingstone Brass portable sundial with magnetic compass
Plaster copy of an Egyptian Shadow Clock, without cross-piece, which is missing from the original and a drawing in frame Plaster copy of an Egyptian shadow clock.