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Frank Gallagher's T-Shirt from Channel 4's 'Shameless'


Promotional T-Shirt for BBC Radio Manchester

circa 1970

British Airways t-shirt

Periodic table t-shirt


"CRUSAID 1991, Elton John, signed for life" T-shirt


Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers t-shirt, black, with the inscription 'Do you not know how a picket line works?'


Coronation 50th Anniversary T-Shirt


Slogan t-shirt advertising Boddingtons

T-shirt worn by Paul Berry on the set of the film 'James and the Giant Peach'


Higgs boson T-shirt


‘NeXT’ branded T-shirt

'Ventura' t-shirt worn by team working to develop the Ventura CPAP device


T-shirt made by Nasty Gal

circa 2020

T-shirt made by Community Clothing

circa 2020

T-shirt made by Phloem

circa 2021

T-shirt used by the George House Trust


T-shirt, 8 Squadron RAF


T-shirt, 8 Squadron RAF

Crusaid Music for Life t-shirt, 1992

circa 1992

Walk for Life t-shirt printed with footprints and marked 'Walk for life


Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers t-shirt, green, with the inscription 'I was a key worker. After a three year pay freeze, now I'm a greedy worker!'


Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers t-shirt, white, with the inscription 'Defend Rail Jobs, Pay & conditions, I Support the Rail Workers, RMT'


Retro UK Ltd sun exposure t-shirt


Hampstead Gown Factory volunteers' T-shirt


T-shirt with condom design


T-shirt printed for First International World-Wide Web Conference at CERN


'All of Us' Research Program t-shirt, worn by researchers aiming to tackle disparities in health outcomes by collecting genomic and health data from one million participants from communities typically underrepresented in medical research studies, made by the National Institutes of Health, United States, 2022.

'All of Us' Research Program T-shirt


T-shirt, to be worn as 'scrubs' type clothing beneath protective layers, then washed and re-used, with the International Medical Corps logo, as worn by frontline health workers during the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, 2014-2015

T-shirt, to be worn as 'scrubs' type clothing beneath protective layers

circa 2010-2014

Worn T-shirt from a surrogate, white, printed with the words "I gave birth to my sister's baby and all I got was this lousy T-shirt - the most beautiful niece!" Puchased from Next online, 2018

Worn T-shirt from a surrogate

White polyester T-shirt, size large, printed with 'Powered by a heart transplant' worn by a heart transplant receipent while running to publicise organ donation, T-shirt made by Alo, made in Guatemala, printed in United States, 2014

Printed T-shirt: 'Powered by a heart transplant'


Black souvenir t-shirt (size S) from Sefton Park, a pilot outdoor music festival held on 2nd May 2021 at Sefton Park, Liverpool, as part of the Events Research Programme (ERP), which examined the risk of COVID-19 transmission at large events and explored ways for people to attend events safely as lockdown eased, marketed by National Merchandise, England, 2021

Souvenir t-shirt from Sefton Park pilot festival


T-shirt bearing illustration of Nagra sound equipment, 1970.

Promotional T-Shirt


Grey t-shirt with 'BAD ELF' graphic, worn by Professor Teresa (Tess) Lambe during the initial development of the Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, January 2020

'Bad Elf t-shirt' worn by Professor Teresa Lambe


Lisa Syne's volunteering t-shirt, worn during shifts at the NHS Nightingale Hospital London, 2020

NHS Nightingale Hospital London t-shirt


T-shirt with the words "See the Forgotten 500,000", part of the #Forgotten500K campaign to role our Evusheld, a prevenative COVID-19 medication, used during a campaign outside the Houses of Parliament, 2022

"See the Forgotten 500,000" t-shirt


T-shirt with the International Medical Corps logo, to be worn as 'scrubs' type clothing beneath protective layers, then washed and re-used, as worn by frontline health workers during the ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, 2014-2015

T-shirt, worn as 'scrubs' type clothing

circa 2010-2014

Trans Manche Link uniform T- Shirt, orange cotton with TML logo on left breast, good condition, size large, issued to Eugene Melody (Site Engineer on Channel Tunnel construction 1989-91).

T-shirt, Trans Manche Link

T-shirt. Back shows blackbody radiation curve of cosmic microwave background as measured by COBE satellite in 1989. Front reads ‘SCIENCE / IT WORKS, BITCHES’, a reference to the perfect fit between the data and predictions of Big Bang theory. Sold by, 2011.

Cosmic microwave background T-shirt


T-shirt with design showing condoms printed in heat-sensitive ink, sold to raise funds for St Stephens AIDS Trust, with promotional poster, from The St Stephens AIDS Research ( STAR) Appeal, London, 1992-3

T-shirt with design showing condoms printed in heat-sensitive ink


'PE with Joe' child's t-shirt, sold by Joe Wicks, The Body Coach, to raise funds for NHS Charities Together during the COVID-19 pandemic, made in India, 2020

'PE with Joe' t-shirt


Cotton t-shirt depicting Trans Manche Link train moving through the Channel Tunnel. Encircled by legend "UGO - First Railway Under the Channel". Medium size; light blue background with black blue and red detail.

First railway inder the channel t-shirt

British Satellite Broadcasting promotional t-shirt. 'L' sized black t-shirt with BSB 'Squarial' logo in white.

BSB t-shirt, c 1988


BSB t-shirt.

BSB t-shirt.

Network Rail London 2012 Olympics Travel Champion t shirt. In One Team Transport brand colours of pink and purple with 3 button collar. Features iron-on panel breast panel with legend "Travel Champion". Maker's label on inside collar bearing makers name "Arco". Size Small. Part of a full uniform worn by Network Rail employee Jayne Hemmingway.

Network Rail Olympic Travel Champion t shirt

T-shirt worn by staff working in supermarket chain Iceland's home deliveries and packing departments during the COVID-19 pandemic with "We heart NHS" and a rainbow, 2020

T-shirt worn by Iceland supermarket staff during the COVID-19 pandemic


T-shirt with with words 'NHS COVID-19 Vaccination Service' and 'Keep London Safe', with 'Proud to support COVID-19 vaccinations London Stadium, West Ham United, Vinci Facilities, Delware North' used at vaccination clinics at West Ham United Football Club, 2021

T-shirt 'NHS COVID-19 Vaccination Service'


White t-shirt with a rainbow with the words 'Thank you' and #Clap For Our Carers, designed and sold by Kindred, made in India, 2020

'Thank You' t-shirt


T-Shirt, commemorative of 100 years of Railway Refreshment, large size

T-Shirt, commemorative of 100 years of Railway Refreshment

'Going Viral' T-shirt, part of the 'Going Viral' campaign led by Barts Health NHS Trust which tested emergency patients for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in 9 UK hospitals, 13 - 20 October, 2014

Going Viral T-Shirt


Black souvenir t-shirt from First Dance, two pilot club nights held on 30th April and 1st May 2021 at Circus nightclub, Liverpool, as part of the Events Research Programme (ERP), which examined the risk of COVID-19 transmission at large events and explored ways for people to attend events safely as lockdown eased

Souvenir t-shirt from First Dance pilot club night