Object type

Model of the N.S. "Savannah" (1959)


Camden Town station


Murray keyboard perforator model No. 5-PM, 1914-1916


Lapel badge


250g glass jar containing ferrous sulphate, Analytical Reagent, 1909-1950


Glass jar containing phloroglucinol


25g glass jar containing iodine, Analytical Reagent, 1909-1950


25g glass jar containing ammonium molybdate, Analytical Reagent, 1909-1950


Adams Magazine Plate Camera


RCA Sound Camera


Lustraphone VR64 ribbon microphone


Four coloured prints, scenes on "Great Eastern" during the laying of the first Atlantic cable, 1865-1867


Lapel badge, The National League for Opposing Woman-Suffrage


1lb glass jar containing palmitic acid, 1909-1950


1lb glass jar containing sodium palmitate


500g glass jar containing sodium bicarbonate, 1909-1950


2lb glass jar containing sodium carbonate pure crystals, 1909-1950


4oz glass jar containing casein (white light), 1909-1950


4oz glass jar containing traces of potassium permanganate, 1909-1950


4oz glass jar containing tin ammonium chloride (stannic), 1909-1950


1lb glass jar containing chrome alum, 1909-1950


250g glass jar containing sodium carbonate anhydrous, 1909-1950


Field balance by CMS Weighing Equipment Ltd, Camden, London, used c.1965-1984, with option for mounting baby measuring bag.

Field balance by CMS Weighing Equipment Ltd

circa 1965-1984

Worksplate, probably from a railway carriage, Eastern & Midlands Railway, brass, rectangular, engraved E&M.R Melton Constable & Yarmouth-Beach, Matthews, maker, 150 High St, Camden-Town, London, c1855.

E & M R works plate


"Sodastream" Aerated Water Machine by Sodastream Ltd. of Camden Town, NW1, 1930, with CO2 container

"Sodastream" Aerated Water Machine by Sodastream Ltd. of Camden Town


Harpenden sitting height table by CMS Weighing Equipment, Camden, London, 1990-1993.

Harpenden sitting height table by CMS Weighing Equipment


High speed cine camera for 35mm. film by Ernest F. Moy Ltd of Camden Town; possibly c.1918, with kinematograph f1.9, 3 inch lens by J H Dallmeyer, serial no. 137914.

High Speed 35mm Cine Camera


One photograph of Henry Stark assembling the drones for a set of bagpipes, titled 'Bagpipes for export'. Caption on back reads: '[...] Above his left hand can be seen the "reed" which is made from Spanish cane. After this operation the tartan covers are affixed and the bagpipes are complete. the actual set seen here is the 100th set to be sent to Australia'.

Daily Herald Photograph: Making bagpipes


Naval rangefinder designed by Thorsten Nordenfelt in 1884, probably made by C.F. Casella and Company, London. Not signed, no marks. Anodized oval-pattern frame and anodized limb, wooden handle. Three exchangeable alloy scales, one is for an elevation of the eye of 96 feet, from 250-14,000 yards; one of for an elevation of the eye of 96 feet, from 250-20,000 yards; one if for an elevation of the eye of 47 feet, from 200-14,000 yards. No vernier, but two indicating lines; one is moved by a tangent screw, the other is rigid with the index arm. The tangent screw and clamping screw are on the back of the index arm. Index-glass adjustment by lever; adjustment of the horizon glass by screws. No magnifier. Threaded telescope bracket in two parts, fitted for correcting collimation error; perpendicular adjustment by rising-piece and a milled collar. Telescope (190 mm, large objective), erect image; telescope (124 mm, large objective, ocular missing), erect image. No box. This instrument was patented by Thorsten Nordenfelt, no. 16,029 of 1884 (copy in the object file). The instrument is held vertically (like a sextant) to meassure the angle between the horizon and the waterline of a floating body; the distance to the floating body in yards is then read from the scale.

Rangefinder type sextant.


Falloroll folding camera, made by Jonathon Fallowfield. Folding camera for 3 1/4" x 4 1/4". Bausch and Lomb RR lens F.5", f.8 - 44 in Unicum shutter 1/2/5/25/50/10/T/B. Sliding rising and cross front; reflecting brilliant finder with spirit level. removab

Falloroll folding camera


Diaries kept by Driver Bill Starvis of Camden shed, from 1949 to 1962. The diaries are mainly pocket diaries produced by Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEF). The entries summarise his journies each day - times, locomotive driven, fireman, signals and anything else noteworthy. An article by the donor about Bill Starvis and his diaries, "West Coast Engineman - Driver W. T. Starvis of Camden" appeared in the August 1996 edition of "Steam World." Further articles appeared in "Steam World" in January, April, July and September of 1997, and October of 1998.

Diaries of Driver Bill Starvis of Camden


Moy Electric gyroscope kinematograph camera. Cine camera for 35mm film in internal 200 foot magazines. Lens, viewfinder missing, mechanism with electric motor intact. Alternative two pin power connector added. Painted black. Footage and fps indicators intact. Manufactured by Ernest F Moy Ltd, London NW. Gyro unit missing. Spare magazine. Serial no 121.

Moy Electric Gyroscope Kinematograph Camera

Worksplate, probably from a railway carriage, possibly Clogher Valley Railway, brass, rectangular, engraved C.V.Ry.Co.Ld., Matthews, maker, 152 High St, Camden Town, London.

Clogher Valley Railway Company Limited works plate

High speed cine camera, for 35mm. film; manufactured by Ernest F. Moy Ltd, Camden Town, London, before 1914. Fitted with pentac f2.9, 2 inch lens made by Dallmeyer.

High Speed 35mm Cine Camera