1858-1929, scientist; inventor, Austrian

Auer von Welsbach, Carl

1858 - 1929

1906-1992, scientist; university teacher, English; British

Sutton, Leslie Ernest

1906 - 1992

1711-1778, philosopher and scientist, Italian

Bassi, Laura Maria Caterina

1711 - 1778

1753-1814, scientist; natural philosopher; philanthropist, American-born; British?

Thompson, Count von Rumford, Sir Benjamin

1753 - 1814

c. 1864-1943, scientist; botanist; educator; inventor, African American

Carver, George Washington

1864 - 1943

1810-1881, civil engineer; scientist, Irish

Mallet, Robert

1810 - 1881

1833-1896, scientist; inventor; entrepreneur; author; pacifist; manufacturer of armaments, Swedish

Nobel, Alfred Bernhard

1833 - 1896

1854-1931, engineer; scientist, British; English

Parsons, Sir Charles Algernon

1854 - 1931

1852-1911, chemist; scientist; inventor, Dutch

Hoff, Jacobus Henricus van't

1852 - 1911

1886-1957, scientist; politician, Anglo-German; British

Lindemann, Frederick Alexander

1886 - 1957

1903-1987, scientist, Canberra, Australia

McGee, James Dwyer

1903 - 1987

1841-1912, scientist; music theorist, British

Bosanquet, Robert Holford Macdowall

1841 - 1912

1861-1930, scientist; explorer; diplomat; humanitarian, Norwegian

Nansen, Fridtjof

1861 - 1930

1891-1980, industrialist; scientist; naturalist, British; English

Taylor, Edward Wilfred

1891 - 1980

1713-1788, horologist; scientist, British

Whitehurst, John

1713 - 1788

1789-1857, Arctic scientist; divine, British

Scoresby, William

1789 - 1857

1852-1916, teacher, physicist; photographer, British

Worthington, Arthur Mason

1852 - 1916

1903-1990, scientist, engineer and high-speed photographer, American

Edgerton, Harold Eugene

1903 - 1990

1864-1963, inventor; scientist, Swedish

Johansson, Carl Edvard

1864 - 1943

1911-2004, scientist and member of Howard Florey's penicillin team, English; British

Heatley, Norman

1911 - 2004

1908-1999, explorer; scientist, British

Fuchs, Sir Vivian

1908 - 1999

1847-1931, inventor; scientist, American

Edison, Thomas Alva

1847 - 1931

1907-1966, scientist; rocket engineer and designer for Soviet space programme, Russian

Korolev, Sergei Pavlovich

1907 - 1966

1890-1964, Admiralty scientist, British; English

Wood, Albert Beaumont

1890 - 1964

1785-1865, physician, naturalist, and Arctic explorer, Scottish; British

Richardson, Sir John

1787 - 1865

active 1820-1882, toxicologist, Edinburgh, Scotland

Christison, Sir Robert

1797 - 1882

1802-1875, pioneer of telegraphy, scientist and contributor to optics, English; British

Wheatstone, Sir Charles

1802 - 1875

1736-1819, mechanical engineer; scientist, Scottish; British

Watt, James

1736 - 1819

1912-1978, chemist; scientist, British

Young, Christopher Alwyne Jack

1912 - 1978

1908-1974, mathematician, poet, humanist. British.

Jacob Bronowski

1908 - 1974

1868-1933, scientist; physicist; astrophysicist; chemist, Irish

D'Albe, Edmund Edward Fournier

1868 - 1933

1838-1922, industrial chemist; scientist; industrialist; philanthropist, Belgian

Solvay, Ernest

1838 - 1922

1816-1904, scientist, industrialist (iron and steel), director (railway company), MP, British

Bell, Sir Isaac Lowthian

1816 - 1904

1854-1915, scientist (hematology, immunology and chemotherapy), German

Ehrlich, Paul

1854 - 1915

1688-1772, scientist; philosopher; mystic; theologian, Swedish

Swedenborg, Emanuel

1688 - 1772

1822-1884, Augustinian priest; scientist (in former Austrian empire), Austrian

Mendel, Gregor

1822 - 1884

1793-1867, active 1807-1867, optical instrument maker (telescopes), German

Merz, Georg

1793 - 1867

1810-1881, scientist; physician; surgeon, Russian

Pirogov, Nikolay Ivanovich

1810 - 1881

1856-1937, pioneer motorist; engineer; scientist, British

Holden, Sir Henry Capel Lofft

1856 - 1937

1674-1727, physicist; scientist; mathematician, German

Leupold, Jacob

1674 - 1727

1903-2003, physicist, television pioneer, British

Tedham, William

1903 - 2000

1759-1837, scientist; chemist; university professor; minister of religion, English; British

Farish, William

1759 - 1837

1688-1742, scientist; professor at the University of Leiden, Dutch

Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's

1688 - 1742

1853-1939, engineer; scientist; architect, Russian

Shukhov, Vladimir

1853 - 1939

1601-1667, 2nd Marquis of Worcester; courtier; scientist, English; British

Somerset, Edward

1601 - 1667

1881-1965, scientist; civil engineer; mechanical engineer; inventor, Romanian

Constantinescu, George

1881 - 1965

1852-1882, musician; physicist; scientist, French; Alsacian

Kastner, Frédéric

1852 - 1882

1758-1803, ironmaster; scientist; British; English

Reynolds, William

1758 - 1803

1878-1960, industrial chemist; scientist; explosives expert, British

Silberrad, Oswald John

1878 - 1960

1884-1962, scientist; inventor; explorer, Swiss

Piccard, Auguste

1884 - 1962