active 1856, sculptor, French

Cavelier, Pierre-Jules

1814 - 1894

active 1830s-1860s, sculptor; medallist, French

Vauthier-Gallé, Adrien

1818 - 1899

1885-1939, sculptor; medallist, French

Dammann, Paul-Marcel

1885 - 1939

1885-1965, artist; sculptor; medallist, British

Preston, Edward Carter

1885 - 1965

1877-1955, sculptor; medallist, French

Camus, Jean Marie

1877 - 1955

1907-2002, engraver; medallist; sculptor; illustrator, French

Corbin, Raymond

1907 - 2002

bap. 1817-1876, sculptor, English; British

Noble, Matthew N

1817 - 1876

1866-1913, sculptor; medallist, French

Champeil, Jean Baptiste Antoine

1866 - 1913

1800-1883, artist; architect; sculptor; photographer; wax portrait artist; writer, British

Lucas, Richard Cockle

1800 - 1883

1781-1841, sculptor, British; English

Chantrey, Sir Francis Legatt

1781 - 1841

1751-1802, sculptor, Italian

Ceracchi, Giuseppe

1751 - 1802

1901-1976, painter; artist; sculptor, British

Zinkeisen, Anna Katrina

1901 - 1976

1887-1977, sculptor, Scottish; British

McMillan, William

1887 - 1977

1757-1822, sculptor, Italian

Canova, Antonio

1757 - 1822

1824-1866, artist; painter; sculptor; designer, English; British

Sykes, Godfrey

1824 - 1866

1866-1929, painter; sculptor; medalist, Austrian

Fuchs, Emil

1866 - 1929

1741-1828, sculptor, French

Houdon, Jean-Antoine

1741 - 1828

1792-1867, medallist; sculptor, French

Depaulis, Alexis Joseph

1792 - 1867

1810-1867, sculptor; medallist, Swedish

Quarnstrom, Carl Gustav

1810 - 1867

1807-1877, sculptor, British

Weekes, Henry

1807 - 1877

1788-1856, sculptor; medallist, French

D'Angers, David

1788 - 1856

1849- , physician; neurologist; anatomist; medallist; sculptor, French

Richer, Paul Marie Louis Pierre

1849 - 1933

1813-1857, artist; photographer; sculptor, British

Archer, Frederick Scott

1813 - 1857

1880-1959, sculptor, American-born; British

Epstein, Sir Jacob

1880 - 1959

1868-1940, medallist; sculptor, Swedish

Ohlson, Alfred

1868 - 1940

1791-1844, medallist, sculptor, French

Petit, Louis Michel

1791 - 1844

1914-2003, sculptor; poster artist, British; English

Chadwick, Lynn

1914 - 2003

1878-1963, sculptor; medallist, French

Baudichon, Rene

1878 - 1963

1883-1973, engraver; sculptor; medallist, Belgian

Bonnetain, Armand

1883 - 1973

1849-1899, painter; sculptor; engraver; medallist, French

Dupuis, Daniel Jean-Baptiste

1849 - 1899

1793-1881, medallist; engraver, French

Caqué, Armand-Auguste

1793 - 1881

1814-1877, sculptor, British

Durham, Joseph

1814 - 1877

1788-c. 1859, medallist, French

Vivier, Mathias Nicolas Marie

1788 - 1859

1875-1950, medallist; sculptor, German

Goetz, Karl

1875 - 1950

1702/1705-1762, sculptor, French

Roubiliac, Louis-François

1702 - 1762

1873-1966, medallist; sculptor; engraver, Swedish

Lindberg, Erik

1873 - 1966

1788-1867, sculptor; designer; modeller of silver, British

Baily, Edward Hodges

1788 - 1867

1452-1519, polymath; painter; draughtsman; sculptor; architect; engineer; inventor (etc.), Italian

Da Vinci, Leonardo

1452 - 1519

1777- 1857, sculptor, German

Rauch, Christian

1777 - 1857

1821-1898, medallist; sculptor, British; English

Adams, George Gammon

1821 - 1898

1899-1978, sculptor; poster artist

Bradshaw, Laurence

1899 - 1978

1795-1864, sculptor, British

Behnes, William

1795 - 1864

1843-1910, sculptor; medallist, Belgian

Stappen, Charles Van der

1843 - 1910

1832-1875, sculptor; medallist, Italian

Pieroni, Adolfo

1832 - 1875

1848-1917, sculptor; medallist, French born; English

Lantéri, Édouard

1848 - 1917

1840-1915, sculptor; artist; Swiss

Pereda, Raimondo

1840 - 1915

1755-1826, sculptor; decorative designer; illustrator, British; English

Flaxman, John

1755 - 1826

1810-1887, sculptor and medallist, French

Oudiné, Eugène André

1810 - 1887

1888-1970, painter; sculptor, English; British

Wheatley, Edith Grace

1888 - 1970

1887-1978, medallist; sculptor, French

Mouroux, Anie

1887 - 1978