Place born
1769-1859, naturalist; explorer, German

Humboldt, Alexander von

1769 - 1859

1743-1820, explorer; naturalist; patron of science, British

Banks, Sir Joseph

1743 - 1820

1773-1858, botanist; explorer; gardener; traveller, French

Bonpland, Aime Jacques Alexandre

1773 - 1858

1777-1856, naval officer; Arctic explorer, British; Scottish

Ross, Sir John

1777 - 1856

1822-1911, biostatistician, human geneticist & eugenicist, English, British

Galton, Sir Francis

1822 - 1911

1775-1810, naturalist; explorer; historian, French

Péron, François

1775 - 1810

1794-1884, naturalist; explorer, German

Ruppell, Eduard

1794 - 1884

1869-1928, geologist; explorer, Swedish

Nordenskjöld, Otto Nils Gustaf

1869 - 1928

1786-1847, naval officer; Arctic explorer, British; English

Franklin, Sir John

1786 - 1847

1754-1840, active 1777-1785, botanist; explorer, Spanish

Pavón Jiménez, José Antonio

1754 - 1840

1841-1904, explorer, journalist, British; Welsh

Stanley, Sir Henry Morton

1841 - 1904

1866-1912, explorer, photographer, American

Vaniman, Chester Melvin

1866 - 1912

1861-1930, scientist; explorer; diplomat; humanitarian, Norwegian

Nansen, Fridtjof

1861 - 1930

1451-1506, mariner; explorer, Italian

Columbus, Christopher

1451 - 1506

c. 1460-1509, cartographer; conquistador; explorer, Spanish

Cosa, Juan de la

1460 - 1509

1485-1547, conquistador; explorer, Spanish

Cortes, Hernando

1485 - 1547

1874-1922, Antarctic explorer, British

Shackleton, Sir Ernest Henry

1874 - 1922

1908-1999, explorer; scientist, British

Fuchs, Sir Vivian

1908 - 1999

1799-1877, naval officer; hydrographer; explorer; inventor, British

Belcher, Sir Edward

1799 - 1877

1815-1878, engineer; artist; explorer; British

Babbage, Benjamin Herschel

1815 - 1878

1785-1865, physician, naturalist, and Arctic explorer, Scottish; British

Richardson, Sir John

1787 - 1865

1903-1998, geologist; explorer; mountaineer, British; English

Gunther, Albert Everard

1903 - 1998

1790-1855, naval officer; explorer, British

Parry, Sir William Edward

1790 - 1855

1837-1906, explorer, Hungarian

Zichy, Jeno

1837 - 1906

1888-1957, United States Naval Officer; aviator; polar explorer, American

Byrd, Richard Evelyn

1888 - 1957

1813-1873, explorer; missionary, British; Scottish

Livingstone, David

1813 - 1873

1885-1962, photographer and adventurer, Australia

Hurley, Frank

1885 - 1962

c. 1524-1580, explorer; poet, Portuguese

Camoes, Luiz de

1524 - 1580

1754-1816, botanist; explorer, Spanish

Ruiz López, Hipólito

1754 - 1816

1850-1915, aviation pioneer; engineer; explorer; astronomer; inventor, English-born; Australian

Hargrave, Lawrence

1850 - 1915

1919-2008, explorer, mountaineer, New Zealander

Hillary, Sir Edmund Percival

1919 - 2008

1884-1962, scientist; inventor; explorer, Swiss

Piccard, Auguste

1884 - 1962

c1550-1605, explorer; inventor, English; British

Davis, John

Unknown - 1612

1868-1912, naval officer and Antarctic explorer, British

Scott, Capt. Robert Falcon


active late 19th century, explorer of Katanga and Congo basin, Belgian

Delcommune, Alexander