Place born
Organisation / Person
1877-1953, model-maker; businessman, English; British

Lowke, Wenman Joseph Bassett

1877 - 1953

1843-1920, engineer; model maker, British; Scottish

Kiddie, Andrew Webster

1843 - 1920

1910-1994, mechanical engineer, model engineer and model maker, British; Scottish

Martin, Bert

1910 - 1994

1716-1774, lecturer and professor of anatomy, Italian

Manzolini, Anna Morandi

1716 - 1774

1904-1996, railway employee; model maker, British

Symes, Bernard Cyril

1904 - 1996

1934-2004, model maker, British?

Bevan, Philip Anthony

1934 - 2004

1881-1961, model-maker; amateur maritime archaeologist, British?

Naish, Francis Clement Prideaux

1881 - 1961

active 1919-1943, model maker, British

Jackson, Alfred Charles

1868 - 1943

1913-1984, model human figure maker, British

Campbell, Barbara Mary

1913 - 1911

1847-1918, civil engineer; mechanical engineer; model maker, English; British

Coates, Thomas

1847 - 1918

1899-1992, model maker, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England, British

Bassett-Lowke (SM) Limited


active 1900-1925, model-maker; artist, British; English?

Holloway, William Herbert

Unknown - 1925

active 1837-1900, model-maker, Darmstadt, Germany, German

Schroeder, J


1955-current, model-maker; sculptor, British



active 1926-1945, architect; model-maker

Dinwiddy, T N

Unknown - 1945

d. 1995, author and camera modelmaker, British

Hammond, John H

Unknown - 1995

active 1932-1969, model maker, British

Castle-Smith, Maurice

Unknown - 1969

active 1936-1983, model maker, British?

Rumbelow, Philip Arthur

Unknown - 1983

1983-current (2010), architectural model maker, London, England

Network Modelmakers


active 1930-1944, model maker, Major, RFC and RAF, British

Raban Williams, Major Frederick

Unknown - 1944

1840-1902, modelmaker; ship builder, Whitby, Yorkshire, England,, British

Thomas Turnbull and Son


active 1880-1900, curator, model maker, Mclean Museum, Greenock, Scotland

Rennie, Thomas

active 1936, model maker, British

Partridge Models Limited

active 1985, physician; model-maker, active in London, England

Neermut, N

active c1975, model maker, British

Veale, Philip

model maker

Bright, C

active 1988, model maker, British

Priestley, R E

active 1895-1899, mechanical engineers; model makers, England; British

Thomas H. and Charles James Coates

active 1910, model makers, British

Handicraft Ltd

active 1899, model-maker; engineer, Scotland

Carlan, David

active 1913, model maker, British

Morton, C.

active 1965, maker of molecular models, British

Wetmore, Robert

active 1948-current 2008, model-maker, Australia

John Curtin School of Medical Research Workshops

active 1918, soldier; model maker, British

Armstrong, Alex Munro

active sometime 1901-1930, surgical instrument maker, German


active 1970-1980, model maker, Slough

Skyland Models

active 1931, model maker, Malta, Maltese

Scerri, Elia

active 1972-1973, model-maker, United Kingdom


active 1850-1920, model maker, British

Shortell, Sergeant

active 1964-1969, model maker

Harrison, E V

active 1974, model maker for Paradigm Models Ltd., British

Emmerson, Charles

active 1936-1937, military mechanic; model maker, Kenya, Kenyan

Ewing, W J M

active 1955-1966, model-maker, Biggin Hill, Kent, England

H Agutter and Associates

active 1909-1938, model maker, British

Castle-Smith, H.

1858-1900, ship builder; model maker, Rochester, England

Gill and Sons

active 1885-1934, model maker, British

Terry, Lt. Col. C.E.

active 1980s and 1990s, model maker, British

Models for Rural Development

active 1895-1899, mechanical engineers; model makers, England; British

T & C J Coates

active 1989-2000, model maker, Piraeus, Greece, Greek

Petsas, Dam. M.

active 1999, ship model-maker, Hamburg, Germany

Ihlenfeldt & Berkefeld KG