Place born
1791-1867, natural philosopher; scientific adviser, England, British

Faraday, Michael

1791 - 1867

1753-1814, scientist; natural philosopher; philanthropist, American-born; British?

Thompson, Count von Rumford, Sir Benjamin

1753 - 1814

1781-1868, natural philosopher and academic administrator, Scottish; British

Brewster, Sir David

1781 - 1868

1683-1744, natural philosopher; engineer, French born, active England

Desaguliers, John Theophilus

1683 - 1744

1766-1832, mathematician; natural philosopher, Scottish; British

Leslie, Sir John

1766 - 1832

1749-1799, clergyman; natural philosopher, English; British

Bennet, Abraham

1749 - 1799

1731-1810, natural philosopher, British

Cavendish, Henry

1731 - 1810

c. 1790-1837, natural philosopher; scientist, Scottish, British

Ritchie, William

1790 - 1837

1789-1854, natural philosopher and mathematician, German

Ohm, Georg Simon

1789 - 1854

1682-1744, natural philosopher; optical instrument maker; mathematician, British; English

Hadley, John

1682 - 1744

1692-1761, natural philosopher (physicist), Dutch

Musschenbroek, Pieter van

1692 - 1761

1798/9-1845, natural philosopher; Church of England clergyman, Irish; British

Coddington, Henry

1798 - 1845

1753-1815, chemist; natural philosopher; publisher, English; British

Nicholson, William

1753 - 1815

1625-1695, natural philosopher; mathematical instrument maker; engineer; inventor; diplomat; English

Morland, Sir Samuel

1625 - 1695

1687-1765, antiquary; natural philosopher, British

Stukeley, William

1687 - 1765

1731-1793, natural philosopher (scientist), inventor, English, British

Six, James

1731 - 1793

1762-1823, natural philosopher, British; English

Wollaston, Francis John Hyde

1762 - 1823

1791-1867, natural philosopher, British; English

Harris, Sir William Snow

1791 - 1867

1803-1872(?), natural philosopher, English

Marcet, Francois

1803 - 1872

1660-1713, natural philosopher; scientific instrument maker, English

Hauksbee, Francis

1660 - 1713

1614-1672, natural philosopher, British

Wilkins, John

1614 - 1672

1627-1691, natural philosopher, Irish

Boyle, Robert

1627 - 1691

1773-1829, physician; natural philosopher, British

Young, Thomas

1773 - 1829

1731-1802, physician; natural philosopher, British

Darwin, Erasmus

1731 - 1802

1706-1790, natural philosopher; writer; revolutionary politican, American

Franklin, Benjamin

1706 - 1790

1749-1809, natural philosopher, Italian

Cavallo, Tiberius

1749 - 1809

1788-1874), physician, natural philosopher, inventor; public health reformer, Scottish; British

Arnott, Neil

1788 - 1874

1677-1761, natural philosopher, English

Hales, Stephen

1677 - 1761

1730-1799, physician; natural philosopher, Dutch

Ingenhousz, Jan

1730 - 1799

1602-1686, physicist; engineer; natural philosopher, Prussian; German

Guericke, Otto von

1602 - 1686

1710-1782, natural philosopher; astronomer, British

Demainbray, Stephen Charles Triboudet

1710 - 1782

1766-1844, chemist; natural philosopher, English; British

Dalton, John

1766 - 1844

1621-1675, physician; natural philosopher, English

Willis, Thomas

1621 - 1675

1642-1727, natural philosopher; mathematician, English

Newton, Sir Isaac

1642 - 1727

1733-1804, theologian; natural philosopher, English

Priestley, Joseph

1733 - 1804

1635-1703, natural philosopher, Isle of Wight, England, English

Hooke, Robert

1635 - 1703

active 1749-1806, sundial maker; optical, mathematical, philosophical inst. maker & natural philosopher, British

Nairne, Edward

1726 - 1806

1811-1896, natural philosopher; judge, British

Grove, Sir William Robert

1811 - 1896

1641-1707, natural philosopher; monk of the Premonstratensian order, German

Zahn, Johann

1641 - 1707