Place born
Organisation / Person
1810-c. 1960, poster printer; printer, Dunstable and London

Waterlow and Sons Limited


active c 1860s, lithograph printer, Birmingham, England

Linnett, John Barnes

1812-(active 2007), printer, Newton Bank, Manchester, England


active 1944-1956, printer; lithographer, London

Fosh and Cross Limited

active 1880s-1960s, printer; poster printer, Netherfield & London

Stafford and Company Limited

1898-1994, printer, Geneva, Switzerland

Sonor SA

1898 - 1994

1866-1959, printer; publisher, London; Paris; New York

Raphael Tuck and Sons Limited

1866 - 1959

1804-1867, printer; inventor of type of colour printing process, British, English

Baxter, George

1804 - 1867

1894-1960, poster printer; printer; lithographer, London

The Baynard Press

1894 - 1960

1882-1956, printer, ephemerist, and classical scholar, British

Johnson, John de Monins

1882 - 1956

1789-1850, lithographer; printer, British

Hullmandel, Charles Joseph

1789 - 1850

ca. 1422-1491, printer; merchant; diplomat, English

Caxton, William

1422 - 1491

1990-1997, poster printer, printer, London

Talaprint Limited

1990 - 1997

1842-1921, printers, Carlisle

Scott and Benson

1842 - 1921

1837-1903, active 1860s, photographer; printer, British

Edwards, Ernest

1837 - 1903

1849-1926, publisher, printer, British

Dent, Joseph Malaby

1849 - 1926

1740-1813, typographer; type-designer; printer; publisher, Italian

Bodonius, Giambattista

1740 - 1813

1878-1974, bookseller; stationer; printer; picture frame maker, British

Mawson, Swan & Morgan

1878 - 1974

1507-1568, printer; linguist, Swiss

Oporinus, Johannes

1507 - 1568

1720-1789, transfer printer, English

Sadler, John

1720 - 1789

1571-1638, cartographer; printer, Dutch

Blaeu, , Willem Janszoon

1571 - 1638

1870-1885, printers, London

Letts, Son and Company

1870 - 1885

1739-1812, printer, British

Walter, John

1739 - 1812

1807-1860, lithographer: map maker; printer, British

Cheffins, Charles Frederick

1807 - 1860

1791-1873, publisher; printer, English; British

Knight, Charles

1791 - 1873

1801-1853, compiler of railway guides, British

Bradshaw, George

1801 - 1853

active 1825-1845, printseller, London

Colnaghi and Company

1825 - 1845

1958-1970, playing card manufacturer; printer; stationer, Leeds and London

Alf Cooke Limited

1958 - 1970

1831-1902, printer; lexicographer; archaeologist, British

Bellows, John Thomas

1831 - 1902

1764-1834, active 1791-1830, publisher, London, England

Ackermann and Company

1764 - 1834

1978-1999, poster printer; printer, Bournemouth

Xeniacrest Limited

1978 - 1999

1911-1968, poster printer; printer

Sun Engraving Company Limited

1911 - 1968

printer; stationer

Kenilworth Press

1950 - 1970

1892-, printer, publisher, Aldershot

Gale and Polden Limited

1888 - 1963

1926-1998, poster printer; printer; lithographer; publisher, Nottingham, England

Thomas Forman and Sons Limited

1926 - 1998

c. 1850-2005, printer, Manchester, England

Peter Stone and Company (Printers) Manchester

1850 - 2005

1821-1882, photographer; printer, Scottish born, active United States

Gardner, Alexander

1821 - 1882

1830-1845, lithographers and printers, London, United Kingdom

Day and Haghe

1830 - 1845

active 1881-1990, lithographer; printer, York, England

Ben Johnson and Company Limited

1881 - 1990

1864-1946, photographer, printer, British; Scottish

Annan, James Craig

1864 - 1946

1790-1954, newspaper, York

York Herald

1790 - 1954

1932-1984, printers and paper merchants, London

W.R. Royle and Son Limited

1932 - 1984

1793-1866, stationer; printer, British

de la Rue, Thomas

1793 - 1866

1397?-1468, printer; inventor, German

Gutenberg, Johannes

1397 - 1468

1901-1990, artist, British

Knight, Charles

1901 - 1990

1842-1909, publisher; printer, British

Nister, Ernest

1842 - 1909

1822-1881, printer; publisher; journalist; translator; inventor, Swedish

Scheutz, Edvard

1822 - 1881

1572-1638, publisher, printer, Exeter, England, English

Stansby, William

1572 - 1609

1785-1873, printer; publisher; journalist; translator; inventor, Swedish

Scheutz, Per Georg

1785 - 1873

1788-1871, printer, Stepney, London, British

Applegath, Augustus

1788 - 1871