Place born
Organisation / Person
(1839)1919-1972, photographic retailer; pharmacist, London, England

Wallace Heaton Limited

1919 - 1972

1910-1916, film camera and accessories manufacturer and supplier, London

Cherry Kearton Limited

1912 - 1909

about 1845-1907, photographic and magic lantern retailer, Cheapside, London


1845 - 1907

1877-1912, photographic supplies, camera manufacturer and retailer, London

Wratten & Wainwright

1877 - 1912

1820-1895, retailer of goods; photographer, British

Smith, Edward

1820 - 1895

active 1920s-1964, cine camera retailer and manufacturer, Cricklewood

Pathescope Limited

Unknown - 1964

active 1869-current (2009), supermarket retailer, British

J Sainsbury plc


1867- , retailer, Kingston upon Thames, England



active 1999, retailer, Cornwall, England

Peters, Ashley


William Muller & Company Limited

active c 1920-c 1940, cinematography and camera retailers, manufacturers, London

Presenta Ltd

active 1920s, manufacturer of stereo cameras, Paris; French

Leullier, Louis

1894-1914, camera and early cinema retailers and manufacturers, Paris

A J Pipon

active late nineteenth century, manufacturer/retailer magic lanterns, London

E Marshall

c 1980- current (2010), manufacturer and retailer of trophies, monuments and memorials, Vancouver

Kelbert Trophies Limited

1881-1929 (1950s), supplier of photographic and cinematographic equipment, London

City Sale & Exchange Limited

1929-current (2011), music producer, manufacturer and distributer, American

RCA Records

1792-current (2010), wholesaler, retailer, newspaper distributer, England

W.H. Smith & Son Ltd.

active 18??-19??, retailer, Kensington

John Barker and Co.

1993-current (2010), designer, retailer and manufacturer, London

Cath Kidston

1867-1908, magic lantern and optical equipment retailer, patentee; entertainer, British

Hughes, W C

1876-active 1914, magic lantern manufacturer and optician, London

Walter Tyler

active 1890s-1950s, poster printer; printer, London; Reading; Fakenham

Wyman and Sons Limited

active 1930s -1960s, photographic accessories manufacturer and retailer, London

Actina Ltd

1925-2003, trophy retailer, Ashton-under-Lyme

Kenworthys' Limited

active c 1990-2010, consumer electronics retailer, Germany


active c. 1920s - c. 1967, camera importer and distributor, London

R F Hunter Limited

active 1864, supplier and seller of tobacco pipes and cigar holders, German

Zimmermann, A

active from 1888, retailer, Belfast and London

William Gibson and Company Limited

1897-1985, furniture manufacturer; retailers, London

Waring and Gillow Limited

active 1955-current (2013), furniture design, manufacture and retail company, London, British

Race Furniture Limited