Coin. Gold, of Britain. Obv. (concave), a horse galloping, palm branch and pellet above, inscribed CVNO. (Cunobelinus, king of the Trinobantes); rev., (convex), an ear of bearded wheat, CAMV. (Camulodunum, or Colchester). Struck about A.D. 30 (?). Diam. 5/8 in. 4.1 grams. 71. 7s. V&A no. 6712-1857. Ancient British Gold Coin of Cunobelinus 30 CE
Colchester Triumph 2000 lathe, 1971. The first production Triumph 2000 lathe was built in February 1968. The lathe was a revolution in styling and specification, with distinctive 'square' styling, ergonomically-designed controls and a bright exterior finish.The Triumph 2000 acquired a reputation as a robust, well-made lathe with a combination of capacity, speed and ease of use. This made it ideal as a general-purpose industrial lathe and, because of its modest price, it was also affordable by small machine shops and ambitious experienced amateurs. Colchester Triumph 2000 lathe 1971
Noble expanding lathe mandrel, by the Britannia Co., Colchester, 1887 Noble expanding lathe mandrel 1887-111
One photograph showing a game keeper walking through a wood with his dog. Daily Herald Photograph: Game Keeper 1939-07-26
Protest sign with slogan ‘I’m with Her’, made by Sophie Godbold and used by her to protest at the youth strike against climate change in London on Friday 15 March 2019. Protest sign with slogan ‘I’m with Her’, used at the youth strike against climate change, London, 15 March 2019 2019