On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Coronation Class Livery Sample


Full-size replica of British Railways 'Duke of Gloucester' cab


High Speed Train Power Car diesel electric locomotive Class 43 number 43302


Model of steam tank locomotive Owain Glyndwr


Diesel Locomotive Class 47 'Prince William'


Bentley Mark VI car, 1950


Celox™ gauze to control bleeding


Celox™-A applicator


Handlamp, London & North Western Railway

Letter re photograph of the Webb Orphanage, Crewe, 1927


Crewe Works engineering drawings

Merlin 45 Aeroplane Engine


Celox™ Rapid Haemostatic Z-Fold Gauze


Frederick Winsor


Nameplate, London Midland & Scottish Railway, "Sir William A. Stanier FRS" from the right side of Class 8P 'Princess Coronation' class 4-6-2, LMS No 6256.

Nameplate, London Midland & Scottish Railway - "Sir William A Stanier FRS"


Cabside plate, British Railways (London Midland Region), "This is the seven thousandth locomotive built at Crewe Works, September 1950", from 2-6-2 tank locomotive Class 2 No. 41272, withdrawn October 1965.

British Railways (London Midland Region) cabside plate


Model steam locomotive Liverpool & Manchester Railway 0-2-2 'Rocket'. Coin in the slot model made by London & North Western Railway apprentices at Crewe in 1900 and used for fundraising. Installed at the Webb Orphanage, Crewe on a stand with an electric drive, made in 1967.

Model steam locomotive Liverpool & Manchester Railway 0-2-2 'Rocket'


Locomotive Worksplate, London Midland & Scottish Railway (Crewe 1939), brass, oval, 4-6-2 "Princess Coronation" No. 6235.

Locomotive worksplate, London & North Eastern Railway


Locomotive nameplate, British Railways, "Duke of Gloucester", ex Class 8, 4-6-4, No.7100, built at Crewe, May 1954.

Nameplate, British Railways - "Duke of Gloucester"


13/11/2006 / Filmed by Chris Hogg / Bill Andrew, driver, interview at his home in Crewe

Master MiniDV ' Bill Andrew interview, 1'


Oral history interview with Mike Crabtree, conducted and recorded by David Maidment at the interviewee's home in Crewe on 29 May 2018. Duration: 2 hr. 17 min. 24 sec. Personal career; early career; Acting Superintendent Doncaster Works 1979; building Class 56s; Superintendent of Wagon Works 1980-1984; Works re-organisation; British Rail Engineering Ltd (BREL); British Rail Maintenance Ltd (BRML); BREL privatisation; sectorisation; new contract systems; staff benefits concerns; BREL management buyout (MBO) preparation and involvement; Production Manager British Railways Board (BRB); Level 5 Maintenance Depots preparation for privatisation; financial arrangements; General Manager of Departmental Traffic; preparation for privatisation; MBO; three freight companies set-up; personal situation 1994; Fleet Manager for Trainload Freight South East: MBO; Mainline Freight MBO; split of locomotive and wagon repairs management; National Power; wagon policy; MBO progress; management style; Wisconsin Central; Ed Burkhardt; English, Welsh & Scottish Railway (EWS); Her Majesty's Railway Inspectorate (HMRI); new organisation; Scottish depots; scope for action under privatisation; staff reductions

Mike Crabtree interviewed by David Maidment


Pressure gauge, for boiler of London & North Western Railway 0-8-0 G2 class "Super D" locomotive, circular gauge with brass surround, calibrated from 0 - 260 lbs per square inch, marked on face "Crewe Works".(NB - refitted to the loco).

London & North Western Railway pressure gauge


Locomotive Worksplate, British Railways (London Midland Region), "Built 1951Crewe", cast iron, oval, Britannia 4-6-2 70000-70024, Clan 4-6-2 72000-72001, Class 2 2-6-2 tank locomotive 41290-41299. Overall: 148 mm x 262 mm x 5 mm.

Built 1951 Crewe locomotive worksplate


Drawing, ink wash, A smith at the anvil of the steam hammer in the smithy at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. Depicts the smith stood at the anvil as he waits for a billet of hot metal to be brought from the furnace. Executed in a monochrome wash.

Drawing, ink wash

circa 1943

Drawing, ink wash, A smith and his mate working a 30 cwt compressed air hammer in the Smithy at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. A detailed study depicting the smith and his colleague holding a component in position beneath the hammer. Executed in a monochrome wash.

Drawing, ink wash


Drawing, ink wash, Pouring molten iron from a ladle in the iron foundry at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. Depicts a foundryman pouring iron from a large ladle, suspended from an overhead crane. The foundryman is using a handwheel to tip the ladle, as the iron flows into moulds on the floor. Executed in a monochrome wash.

Drawing, ink wash

circa 1943

Drawing, ink wash, Pouring molten slag from the cupola furnace in the iron foundry at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. Depicts a foundryman raking slag out of the furnace as he shelters from the heat behind a sheet of corrugated iron. Reverse features studies of a pair of tongs, in graphite, and details of machine tools, in ink. Executed in a monochrome wash.

Drawing, ink wash

circa 1943

Drawing, ink wash, Foundryman pouring molten iron from a long-handled ladle in the iron foundry at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. Depicts a foundryman pouring iron from a ladle. His colleague, holding the other handle, is not shown. Reverse features a study of a foundryman, bent over as he pours iron. Executed in a monochrome wash.

Drawing, ink wash

circa 1943

Drawing, ink wash, Charging an open-hearth steel furnace in the steelworks at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. Depicts two steelworkers on the charging floor, throwing shovelfuls of flux constituents into the furnace. Executed in a monochrome wash.

Drawing, ink wash

circa 1943

Drawing, ink wash, Riveting a firebox foundation ring in the boiler shop at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. Depicts two boilermakers riveting a steam locomotive boiler, using a hydraulic riveter hanging from a hoist. The boiler is lying on its back, with the base of the firebox uppermost for riveting. Executed in a monochrome wash.

Drawing, ink wash

circa 1943

Drawing, ink wash, Flanging locomotive boiler plates in a large horizontal press in the boiler shop at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. Depicts two boilermakers operating the press. Executed in a monochrome wash

Drawing, ink wash

circa 1943

Drawing, ink wash, Tapping a steel furnace in the steelworks at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. Depicts the view from crane girders as molten steel flows into a ladle on a rail-mounted carriage. Executed in a monochrome wash. On the reverse is a rough ink sketch of the crane girders.

Drawing, ink wash

circa 1943

Notes and papers concerning locomotive construction and maintenance at Crewe Works inlcuding boiler and tender notebooks, locomotive lists, locomotive observations, etc. c 1894 - 1950. 3 boxes/loose volumes.

Papers of Charles Williams


Drawing Office Register, No 12, Nos 25500-28656, Crewe Works Drawing Office, August 1927-January 1931, 1 volume.

Drawing Office Register


Drawing Office Register, No 10, Nos 20891-22472, Crewe Works Drawing Office, July 1920-January 1925, 1 volume.

Drawing Office Register


Drawing Office Register, No 6, Nos 7384-13215, Crewe Works Drawing Office, September 1893-March 1898, 1 volume.

Drawing Office Register


Drawing Office Register, No 8, Nos 16475-18879, Crewe Works Drawing Office, June 1905-May 1912, 1 volume.

Drawing Office Register


Drawing Office Register, No 7, Nos 13216-16474, Crewe Works Drawing Office, April 1898-May 1905, 1 volume.

Drawing Office Register


Drawing Office Register, No 11, Nos 22473-25499, Crewe Works Drawing Office, January 1925-August 1927, 1 volume.

Drawing Office Register


Roll of Honour, World War I, staff on active service, London & North Western Railway Engineer's Office, Crewe, handwritten.

Roll of honour of employees of the London & North Western Railway

Drawing, London & North Western Railway, "Improvements in the Mechanism or Arrangements for Actuating Points and Signals", made at Crewe Works, 1875.

Improvements in theMechanism or Arrangements for Actuating Points and Signals


Drawing, London & North Western Railway point 4 signal lever locking apparatus, based on the F.W. Webb patent, made at Crewe Works, 1874.

point 4 signal lever locking apparatus drawing

Drawing Office Register, No 14, Nos 32160-35764, Crewe Works Drawing Office, August 1935-August 1943, 1 volume.

Drawing Office Register


Drawing Office Register, No 9, Nos 18880-20890, Crewe Works Drawing Office, June 1912- June 1920, 1 volume.

Drawing Office Register


08/09/2006 / Tape 2 / Filmed by Chris Hogg / Eric Manley, former fitter at Crewe works, with Bob Meanley of Vintage trains, Interviewed at his home in Crewe

Master MiniDV 'Interview with Eric Manley, 2'


apprentice fitter; railway cottages; 9 shop; 50 ton cranes; handrail work; conditions of work; working with asbestos, illness; 0-8-0 locomotives; trade union; d.o.b. 1925-02-12, railway work 1941-1946, Crewe Works; London Midland Scottish Railway (LMSR); 2.8346 x 3.1496 x .315 in.

Jones, Vera


Colour print. Change at Crewe by Michael Turner, 1987. Mounted in folder with accompanying text. Rebuilt "Royal Scot" 4-6-0 No 46142 the York and Lancaster Regiment with 3 new Class A 3300hp electric locomotives, Nos.E3024, E3001 and E3036 at Crewe Station in the early 1960s. Published by Michael Benn & Associates Ltd, Wetherby, Yorks. 255 x 310mm. Copyright: Michael Turner.

Change at Crewe


Drawing, ink wash, Overhaul of a Super D locomotive nears completion in the Erecting Shop at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. Depicts the refitting of boiler cladding and foot framing on a steam locomotive. One engineering fitter stands on a ladder as he fits the cladding, while his colleague works beneath him on the frames. Executed in a monochrome wash.

Drawing, Overhaul of a Super D locomotive nears completion in the Erecting Shop at Crewe railway works

circa 1943

Drawing, ink wash, Repairing a Super D class locomotive in the Erecting Shop at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. Depicts the locomotive footplate as an engineering fitter fixes the cab roof, while his colleague fits boiler mountings. An apprentice watches as he rests on the fireman's seat. Executed in a monochrome wash.

Drawing, Repairing a Super D class locomotive in the Erecting Shop at Crewe railway works

circa 1943

Drawing, ink wash, Fitting axle boxes to steam locomotive driving wheels in the Erecting Shop at Crewe railway works, by Robin Comyns Carr, about 1943. Depicts two engineering fitters bent over a wheelset as they work. Executed in a monochrome wash.

Drawing, Fitting axle boxes to steam locomotive driving wheels in the Erecting Shop at Crewe railway works

circa 1943