Glass bottle of potassium iodide
Glass bottle of potassium iodide
Medicine chest, winged front, with an extensive set of bottles, including a large number of small ones in drawers, almost all with labels and contents, c.1840, [111 parts]
Glass bottle of potassium iodide
Bottle of rhubarb powder
Square glass bottle with ground glass stopper of Compound Tincture of Camphor (Paregorix Elixir) with traces remaining. 86 mm x 38 mm x 38 mm, 107 g. Dispensed by Wallas & Co., London, c. 1840.
Bottle containing mercuric chloride
Glass bottle
Bottle of ferric chloride tincture
Glass bottle
Glass bottle
Bottle of bismuth carbonate
Bottle of zinc sulphate
Glass bottle
Bottle of magnesium sulphate
Clear glass, square-based bottle with glass stopper and paper label. To contain Nepenthe brand of tincture of morphine. Similar in design and use as tincture of opium. Nepenthe contains 0.84% anhydrous morphine
Bottle of aluminium bromide
Bottle of phenazone
Bottle of sulphur
Bottle of senna
Bottle of friar's balsam
Glass bottle
Glass bottle
Bottle of magnesium carbonate
Bottle of magnesium sulphate
Glass bottle of sodium carbonate
Glass bottle
Wooden drawer of senna
Drawer containing chalk
Wooden drawer
Broken glass leech tube
Plaster spreader, wood, brass and iron
Ceramic pestle
Six grains brass weight
Six grains brass weight
Five grains brass weight
Four grains brass weight
Three grains brass weight
Two grain brass weight
One grain brass weight
Swan neck balance
Sheet of greaseproof paper
Wooden drawer, lined in velvet
Ceramic mortar
Glass bottle with wood-capped stopper full of Compound Ipecacuanha powder. 100 mm x 33 mm x 23 mm, 81g. Dispensed by R.B. Stedman, West Malling, 1810-1850.
Bottle of lead acetate
Bottle of ipomoea
Glass bottle
Rectangular glass bottle with ground glass stopper for Aromatic Chalk powder with opium ( P. Creta. C. c. Opio.), full. 71 mm x 46 mm x 29 mm, 116 g. Unknown maker, English, 1810-1850.
Bottle of cinnamon
Glass bottle
Wooden drawer
Five sheets of greaseproof paper
Jalap wrapped in paper
Bottle of tragacanth
Glass bottle that once contained ammoniae
Packet of cantharides plasters
Bottle of zinc carbonate
Glass bottle that once contained neroli oil
Bottle of spearmint oil
Bottle of dill oil
Glass bottle that once contained essence of limon
Bottle of clove oil
Glass bottle that once contained silver nitrate
Glass bottle that once contained peppermint oil
Bottle of croton oil
glass bottle that once contained atropinae
Bottle of hellebore
Bottle of musk
Bottle of antimony potasium tartrate
Glass bottle that once contained mercurous bichloride
Small, clear glass, circle based bottle with glass stopper and paper label. Bottle containing approximately 1 ounce of morphine hydrochloride powder.
Bottle of mercury with chalk
Two glass bottles
Bottle of rosemary oil
Bottle of mercurous chloride
Glass bottle that once contained a sedative (Liq. Opii)
Small glass bottle with glass stopper for morphine, with traces remaining. 62 mm x 20 mm, 23g. Handwritten label reads, 'SOL: MORPH: MURI:' Unknown maker, probably English, c. 1840.