Bottle, empty
Bottle, empty
Mahogany medicine chest containing six glass bottles, five labelled, two boxes of pills, two boxes of ointment, three confection glasses, eight packets of drugs and some other contents, English, c1820
Bottle, empty
Bottle of compound scammony powder
Bottle of tartar emetic
Bottle of scammony powder
Bottle of ipecacuanha powder
Ointment box of grey powder
Confection glass of potassium sulphate
Mahogany medicine chest case, without content (see other parts for rest) , English, c1820
Confection glass of white powder (unknown)
Calomel in wrapper
Alum in wrapper
Griffith's concentrated essence of sea-weed
Orange powder (unidentified)
Rhubarb powder in wrapper
Compound senna powder in wrapper
Drug (unknown) in packet
Borax in double wrapper
Balance, brass beams and pans
One scruple weight