Solly, Henry 1813 - 1903

Henry Solly (17 November 1813-27 February 1903) was an English social reformer. He supported many progressive causes, including universal suffrage, free education, repeal of the Corn Laws, co-operatives, the abolition of slavery, the early closing of shops, and Sunday opening for Museums. In the 1860s he played an important part in the founding of working men's clubs. He spent the first portion of his adult life as a Unitarian minister, and continued to worship at Rossyln Hill Unitarian Chapel after leaving the profession. He founded the Artizans' Institute whch opened in 1874 in Castle Street, St Martin's Lane, London, and has been called "a pioneering institute in the development of technical education" although it was short-lived as it transferred to the Finsbury Technical College in 1881. which opened in 1883.