Annual report from the Rev. Henry Solly, principal of the Artizans' Institute, to the trustees [...] for the year ending May 1876

Great Britain. Box 4: Edinburgh, Glasgow, London
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Archive of evidence for the Royal Commission on Technical Instruction
Solly, Henry

Annual report of the Artizans' Institute, given by the Principal, Rev. Henry Solly, covering a variety of subjects. The Artizans' Institute was located at 29, Castle St., Upper St. Martin's Lane. Solly discusses public discussions held by the Institute, as well as the success of various classes in Science and Arts offered. He notes that he has 'endeavoured to introduce the use of note-books into nearly all the classes, for taking notes is both a cause and a proof of the necessary attention being given'. He mentions prizes given to students. Solly is passionate about 'bringing the culture and knowledge of the upper classes to bear upon the industrial workers, of enabling both these great sections of the community to understand and mutually benefit each other, of winning the confidence, guiding the conduct, enlightening the views, and moulding the characters of numerous intelligent mechanics' (p.14). Many references to technical education, including section on p.19 titled 'Technical training': '[t]he competition of industry is rapidly becoming a competition of intellect, and Belgium, Germany, and America are fast treading upon our heels in the quality of the manufactures'. Price twopence. Lists donors and prizes. Printed at the Industrial Press, 59, Greek Street, Soho, London.


24 pages in 1 item. 137mm x 213mm.
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