A pamphlet promoting the scheme to build an extension for The Wigan Mining and Mechanical School and thus expand the subjects taught there, and the announcement of a public meeting on 24th December 1875. Lists names of people and the amount of money they've pledged to the extension fund which is estimated at £12,000. Also mentions the school's relationship with Cambridge University and its plan for a series of lectures for which it intends to recruit women who may be able to encourage female school leavers to attend lectures. "The country generally is alive to the necessity of imparting technical education to youth after elementary education has been completed, in order to enable the manufacturers of this country to keep pace in the markets of the world with their foreign competitors, who have for years past experienced the advantages afforded by scientific training to their managers and workpeople" "It is well known...that the assiduous study of Chemistry in Germany, and on the continent generally, has enabled...foreign works to make most important and rapid strides in developing their resources". Printed in Wigan by Richard Platt ("Caxton" Works Standishgate and Millgate) in 1875.


8 pages in 1 item. 180mm x 120mm.
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