Die Kunstgewerbeschule des k. k. österreichischen Museums für Kunst und Industrie. (Statut. Aufsichtsrath und Lehrkörper. Lehrplan und Studien-ordnung. Disciplinarordnung. Stundeneintehilung.)
Pamphlet: 'The arts and crafts school of the Imperial and Royal Austrian Museum for Art and Industry. (Statute, supervisory board and teaching staff, curriculum and study regulations, disciplinary regulations, hourly schedule)'. Printed in Vienna by Carl Gerold's Sohn.
- Extent:
20 pages in 1 item. 264mm x 170mm.
- Identifier:
- RCTI/03/01/15
- Access:
- Open Access
- copyright:
Copies may be supplied in accordance with current copyright legislation and Science Museum Group terms and conditions