Carding machine by Sir Richard Arkwright (1732-1792), England, 1771-1780. Believed to be from Cromford Mill, Derbyshire. Carding machine by Richard Arkwright, 1775, believed to be from Cromford Mill, Derbyshire. c.1775
Pair-cased watch by Jeremy Gregory, c. 1670. Outer case covered with leather and studded with gold, the inner made of rock-crystal with gilt mounts. Silver dial with decoratively engraved centre and single hand. Movement with verge escapement, tulip pillars and worm-and-wheel set-up regulator. Signed on the backplate ‘Jeremie Gregory att the Royal Exchange’. Clockmakers' Museum No. 38 Pair-cased watch with rock crystal inner case by Jeremy Gregory 1670
Maudslay triangular lathe, with overhead gear, tool cabinet and one two jaw independent chuck; one eccentric chuck; 1 steady rest; 1 slide rest; one T rest; attachment for cutting screw threads; nine small chucks and bearing blocks. Triangular Bar Lathe by H. Maudslay & Co., London, 1812-1820 1812-1820
Rose engine lathe by Hulot Fils 1768, mounted on table with treadle drive and complete with slide rest and chucks Rose engine lathe by Hulot Fils 1768 1768
Balloon-end, from gum elastic catheter, c. 1890 Balloon-end, from gum elastic catheter, c. 1890 1851-1920