Place born
Organisation / Person
1815-1852, mathematician; computer pioneer, British

Lovelace, Ada

1815 - 1852

1785-1870, inventor; mathematician, French

Thomas, Charles Xavier

1785 - 1870

1765-1844, architectural writer; mathematician, Scottish; British

Nicholson, Peter

1765 - 1844

1677-1750, mathematician; astronomer; cartographer, German

Doppelmayr, Johan Gabriel

1677 - 1750

c. 1540-c. 1623, scientific instrument maker; engraver; mathematician, Dutch

Zeelst, Adriaan

1540 - 1623

1575-1660, mathematician, English

Oughtred, William

1575 - 1660

1646-1716, mathematician; philospher, German

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

1646 - 1716

1766-1832, mathematician; natural philosopher, Scottish; British

Leslie, Sir John

1766 - 1832

1849-1922, lawyer; mathematician, British

Kempe, Sir Alfred Bray

1849 - 1922

1792-1871, mathematician and astronomer, English; British

Herschel, Sir John Frederick William

1792 - 1871

1838-1914, astronomer; mathematician, American

Hill, George William

1838 - 1914

1767-1839, scientific administrator; mathematician, British

Gilbert, Davies

1767 - 1839

1791-1871, mathematician; computer pioneer, England, English; British

Babbage, Charles

1791 - 1871

1789-1854, natural philosopher and mathematician, German

Ohm, Georg Simon

1789 - 1854

1736-1806, mechanical engineer; mathematician, French

Coulomb, Charles Augustin

1736 - 1806

1804-1867, mathematician; scientific instrument maker, Swiss

Secretan, Marc Francois Louis

1894 - 1867

1682-1744, natural philosopher; optical instrument maker; mathematician, British; English

Hadley, John

1682 - 1744

1564-1642, astronomer; mathematician, Italian

Galilei, Galileo

1564 - 1642

1526-1576, mathematician; scientific instrument maker, German

Heiden, Christian

1526 - 1576

first baronet 1819-1903, physicist; professor of mathematics; lecturer, Irish

Stokes, Sir George Gabriel

1819 - 1903

1916-2014, mathematician, Hungarian born, Canadian

Dienes, Zoltan

1916 - 2014

1819-1912, active 1865-1875, mathematician; inventor of chronograph, British

Bashforth, Francis

1819 - 1912

1596-1650, philosopher; mathematician, French

Descartes, René

1596 - 1650

287-212 BCE, mathematician, Greek


288 - 213

1851-1934, mathematician; physicist, German-born; British

Schuster, Sir Arthur

1851 - 1934

1755-1839, mathematician; engineer, French

Prony, Gaspard de

1755 - 1839

1638-1675, mathematician; inventor of the reflecting telescope, Scottish

Gregory, James

1638 - 1675

1581-1626, mathematician, Welsh; English

Gunter, Edmund

1581 - 1626

1729-1798, mathematician; cartographer, English

Donne, Benjamin

1729 - 1798

1794-1855, astronomer, British

Sheepshanks, Richard

1794 - 1855

1845-1912, mathematician; geophysicist, British; English

Darwin, Sir George Howard

1842 - 1912

1788-1867, mathematician; engineer, French

Poncelet, Jean Victor

1788 - 1867

active 1885, mathematician, French

Lucas, Édouard

1842 - 1891

1622-1703, court mathematician; engineer, Italian

Viviani, Vincenzo

1622 - 1703

1623-1662, mathematician; physicist; religious philosopher, French

Pascal, Blaise

1623 - 1662

1831-1916, mathematician, Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge, British; English

Wilkinson, Michael Marlow Umfreville

1831 - 1916

1799-1859, mathematician; writer, British

Grant, Horace

1799 - 1859

1781-1840, mathematician; geometer; physicist, French

Poisson, Siméon-Denis

1781 - 1840

1849-1925, mathematician, Prussian; German

Klein, Christian Felix

1849 - 1925

about 190-127 BCE, mathematician; astronomer; geographer, Greek


190 BCE - 127 BCE

1814-1890, mathematician, phonetician, pioneer photographer, British

Ellis, Alexander John

1814 - 1890

1629-1693, mathematician; astronomer; physicist, Dutch

Huygens, Christiaan

1629 - 1695

1717-1783, mathematician; mechanician; physicist; philosopher; music theorist, French

D'Alembert, Jean Le Rond

1717 - 1783

active 1592-1598, mathematician; maker of globes, mathematical instruments & ordnance, English

Molyneux, Emery

1560 - 1506

1912-1954, mathematician; computer scientist, British

Turing, Alan

1912 - 1954

1796-1863, mathematician, Swiss

Steiner, Jakob

1796 - 1863

1710-1761, mathematician, British; English

Simpson, Thomas

1710 - 1761

1705-1781, civil engineer; mathematician, Swiss

Labelye, Charles

1705 - 1781

1571-1630, mathematician; astronomer, German

Kepler, Johannes

1571 - 1630

1527-1609, mathematician, astrologer, and antiquary, English

Dee, John

1527 - 1609