Untitled. [Operations for the Analytical Engine]

Untitled. [Operations for the Analytical Engine] Untitled. [Operations for the Analytical Engine] Untitled. [Operations for the Analytical Engine] Untitled. [Operations for the Analytical Engine] Untitled. [Operations for the Analytical Engine] Untitled. [Operations for the Analytical Engine] Untitled. [Operations for the Analytical Engine] Untitled. [Operations for the Analytical Engine]

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The Babbage Papers at the Science Museum, London
Science Museum Group Collection

This volume did not have an original volume number. The first page begins with the letters L M N O P Q. The notebook is mostly blank, with many pages torn out. The content of the the notebook deals with such subjects as tables axes in the mill; units in analytical and difference cycles; proposed method of reducing time; giving off numbers from adding and carrying axes; receiving numbers in adding and carrying axes.


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