A collection of publications associated with the British Astronomical Association
- Journals, reports and articles
- Made:
- 1905-01-01-1956-12-31
- part of archive:
- John Evershed Archive
The collection includes: 'British Astronomical Association Circular' No. 319 1950, October 5; 'Edmond Halley 1656-1742' Memoirs of The British Astronomical Association, Vol. 37, No. 3. Historical Section, 1956 November; 'List of Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association' 30 September 1950; 'List of Memoirs of the Astronomical Association' 30 September 1952; 'List of Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association' 29 December 1954; 'The Total Solar Eclipse 1905' edited by F.W. Levander, 1906; 'The Journal of the British Astronomical Association' Volume 66 No. 1, December 1955; 'The Journal of the British Astronomical Association' Volume 67 No. 2, March 1957; 'Catalogue of The Library of the British Astronomical Association' compiled to 1936 July 31; 'The Handbook of the British Astronomical Association 1956'; 'The British Astronomical Association Its Nature, Aims and Methods' June 1944.
- Extent:
11 items
- Identifier:
- EVER/C/1/E87
- Access:
- Open Access
- copyright:
Copies may be supplied in accordance with current copyright legislation and Science Museum Group terms and conditions