This Ferranti Pegasus computer, c. 1956, was designed by Christopher Strachey (1916-1975) while working at the National Research and Development Corporation (NRDC). He based his design on his experiments while working with Elliot Bros., where he pioneered the idea of constructing computers from modular packages.
Strachey also devised a new type of logic design for Pegasus, which made the computers easy and logical to programme, and thus popular with their users. Pegasus I evolved into Pegasus II, which had improved circuitry, a larger drum store and more peripherals, including a printer.
Thirty-eight Pegasus Is and IIs were sold, and this computer was one of the first to be built on a production line at Ferranti's factory in Manchester.
These machines were put to work in banks, universities, and engineering and research establishments. For most of these organisations and their staff Pegasus was their first computer, and therefore the herald of a new age.
Components belonging to the Ferranti Pegasus Computer
Components belonging to the Ferranti Pegasus Computer
Components belonging to the Ferranti Pegasus Computer, consisting of two 4 plug extension cables, one black and one white. A coil of brown wiring. A blue cardboard box containing two reels of magnetic tape. A cardboard box containing 7 rolls of paper tape of various sizes. a cardboard box containing 4 rolls of paper tape. A cardboard “Friden” box with 2 Friden ribbon tubs both containing a sealed roll of ribbon, a “creed” tub containing a small roll of ribbon, a red “creed” tub containing foil wrapped ribbon, a loose foil wrapped ribbon and two empty reels. A blue tin with “Pegasus Monitor Switch” written on it containing metallic and plastic components. A tin labelled with a green “F” with 2 reels of paper tape. 25 white cardboard boxes all containing paper rolls. Two components from a valve. 6 floppy disks, 5 with corresponding sleeves and one without. A spare floppy disk sleeve. A grey plastic container containing 4 floppy disks and miscellaneous paper.
Storage cupboard containing paper and other material associated with Ferranti computer. This material consists of 9 rolls of A1 white paper tape; 7 rolls of A1 green paper tape; a cardboard box containg roll of paper, plotter pen and packaging, roll of white punched paper tape and roll of pink paper tape; two cardboard boxes containing A4 sheets headed 'Pegasus Programme Sheet'; white A4 Electroencephalograph Recording Paper in packaging; 11 rolls of paper tape in different colours; sheets of perforated A4 paper; Kolok ribbon; Thames Paper paper tapes; and wrapped rolls of A1 white paper tape.
Box of components for Ferranti Pegasus computer, consisting of 6 circuit board assemblies, red cable, two rolls of red and black cable, pack of 'Pegasus neon' lamps, and pack of Pinnacle valves.
Box of components for Ferranti Pegasus computer, consisting of meter for package tester unit, wiring, loose valve, and 255 'Mullard Limited' valves packaged in cardboard boxes.
Accessories for Ferranti Pegasus Computer, including Individually boxed paper tapes, labelled with number and letter code, e.g., CD 3/5 and two cardboard boxes and additional sheaf of unfolded paper boxes.
2 voltmeter displays, valve unit, type 20695, with four valves; valve unit, labelled 'JBNO 54', with ten valves; and loose valve and a grey-coloured spooler, labelled 'IB No.59' for Ferranti Pegasus computer, 1959
Box of components for Ferranti Pegasus computer, consisting of cardboard box labelled 'McCarthy K3Mn(CN)6' containing five circuit board assemblies; paper envelope containing electrical components; Klockner switchgear; loose component; coil of black wire; four cardboard boxes of miscellaneous components and valves; and seven metal drawers containing miscelleous components, fuses and transistors. 1959
Box labelled "Box 11" of components relating to the Ferranti Pegasus computer, consisting of: Various wiring of differing colours, lengths and connectors, electrical components such as bakelite swithces and dials, a 25 pin plug power extension labelled "clock, 280 and 290". 4 paxolin boards, fuses and cathode follower probes.