Daguerreotype In Picture Frame Case
Portrait of a woman
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case
Collodion Positive in Book-type Case
Collodion Positive in Hanging Frame
Collodion Positive in Half Red Morocco Case by Eastman's
Hand-coloured Portrait of a Woman
circa 1880
Collodion Positive in Red Morocco Leather Case
Collodion Positive in Book-type Morocco Case
Daguerreotype In Green Morocco Case
Uncased Collodion Positive
Photographic brooch
circa 1880
Collodion Positive in Morocco Leather 'Fold Over' Case
Card Mounted Ferrotype
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Mayall
Daguerreotype In Black Lacquered Book-Type Case
circa 1845
Collodion Positive in Red Morocco Leather Case
Union Case 'The Country Dance' manufactured by S Peck and Co
circa 1856
Collodion Positive in Red Morocco Leather Case by Clarkington's
Union Case 'General Marion Sharing Yams With British Officer'
circa 1860
Rectangular Union Case by S Peck 'The Calmady Children'
circa 1853
Collodion Positive in Embossed Leather Case
Collodion Positive in Morocco Book-type Case
Collodion Positive in Red Morocco Leather Case
Daguerreotype In Morocco Case 'The Morning Glory' (Rinhart)
circa 1851
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by J Whitlock
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Mr Egerton
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Mr Kilburn
Octagonal Dark Brown Union Case 'The Horse Race' by S Peck and Company
circa 1856
Collodion Positive Without Case
Collodion Positive In Glass Hanging Frame by S & R Carter
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Mr Kilburn
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Mr Kilburn
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Kilburn
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Photographic Exchange Arcade Portrait Gallery, Manchester
Rectangular Union Case 'Ornate Cross' Variation, possibly by Scovill Manufacturing Company
circa 1862
Union Case, Octagonal, by S Peck & H Halverson
circa 1855
Rectangular Union Case 'Accented Oval' by S Peck & Co
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Daguerreotype Institute
Daguerreotype In Purple Morocco Case
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Kilburn
Daguerreotype With Raised Glass Cover
Daguerreotype In Embossed Morocco Leather Case 'Love Birds' (Rinhart)
circa 1851
Daguerreotype In Leather Case 'Mixed Flower Variant'
circa 1857
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case (only half remaining)
circa 1851
Daguerreotype In Morocco Case 'Mixed Garden Flower' (Variant)
circa 1851
Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case
Daguerreotype In Cloth Case 'Medallion of Three Roses'
circa 1857
Daguerreotype In Leather Case 'A Spray of Roses'
circa 1851