Object type

Quartz delay-line for static-target elimination in radar

ASV (Air-to-Surface-Vessel radar) Mk XI for detection of vessels at sea

Decca HD516 radar equipment, display unit, type 4801C

Radar apparatus used by R.Watson Watt in 1935


American airborne radar detector, type RT34/APS-13


German aircraft u.h.f. receiver

Weather radar indicator

Very early mobile radar receiver type RM1, handmade at Bawdsey in 1937 or 1938


H2S Mk.IIc airborne ground-scanning radar installation, c.1943


Lorenz standard 'blind approach' radar equipment, including mains and marker beacon receivers (R1124/ R1125) and accessories

Lorenz standard 'blind approach' radar receivers R1124 and R1125 and accessories

Piece of "Freya" German radar equipment (13 items).

Piece of "Freya" German radar equipment

Type 268 marine radar wheelhouse indicator. The full Type 268 radar set consisted of: "cheese antenna" type antenna assembly with waveguide and horn; wheelhouse indicator (this object); power supply; and main console. The antenna was of the “Cheese antenna” type, 30-inches wide × 6.25-inches high, fed by waveguide and horn, not stabilized against pitch and roll. The transmitter used a magnetron of type 725A.

Type 268 marine radar wheelhouse indicator


GL Mk.1 radar transmitter. When used in its operational role, the console was housed in a small rotational cabin, mounted on a turntable, or a mobile chassis, with the aerial system above on a framework which could be raised or lowered and dismantled for travelling. Power supplies, telephones, and input / output information lines were fed into the cabin via a system of slip-rings and the cabin rotated by a traversing control column. Synchros carried high-speed and low-speed range and bearing data to a predictor which, after processing the information, inserting various corrections, and calculating a fuze setting, produced polar co-ordinates for laying a battery of guns. The GL Mk.1 transmitter was designed to radiate a pulse of 1.5-3 microseconds duration at a recurrence frequency of 800-2000Hz, the radio frequency being 55-85MHz and the pulse having a peak power of the order of 50kW. The timing of the pulses was controlled by the modulator unit which was situated, with a spare, in the upper left-hand compartment. In this unit, a variable-frequency blocking oscillator and associated shaping circuits generated pulses which, after amplification, passed to the radio-frequency oscillators as positive pulses super-imposed on the steady negative 100-volt grid bias. The grid bias of the oscillator valves was thus reduced nearly to zero for a few microseconds every time the pulse was generated. The oscillator valves were a pair of VT58 valves connected in a push-pull tuned-grid tuned-anode circuit in which lecher lines were employed instead of lumped inductance and capacitance. A low impedance line connected the cathode circuit of the oscillators to the grids of the neutralised triode amplifiers, the anode circuit of which was also tuned by the lecher lines and tapped to feed the aerial. A bank of lamps was provided to simulate the aerial load for tunning purposes and the power output was measured by comparing the brightness with that of a standard lamp supplied from the mains through a variable resistance calibrated in watts. A cathode ray monitor was fitted at the left-hand side in order to check the pulse shape and facilitate tuning. It was fed from tapping points on the high frequency (hf) choke in the aerial coupling system while the time-base deflection voltage was derived from the modulator unit.

GL Mk.1 radar transmitter, 1939


Decca HD516 radar equipment, transceiver unit, type 4809

Decca HD516 radar equipment, transceiver unit, type 4809

Cathode-ray tube type HRP2/100/1.5Ash, with flat screen bearing scale 0-200, made by A.E. C. for Freya and Coast Watcher radars, German, 1939-45. (Note: final symbol in type number given here as `h', is dubious, that is type number is more likely to be HRP2/100/1.5As).

Cathode-ray tube type HRP2/100/1.5Ash for Freya and Coast Watcher radars


Two cathode-ray tubes type HR2/100/1.5A, made by A.E.G. for Freya and Coast Watcher radar, German, 1939-45

Two cathode-ray tubes type HR2/100/1.5A for Freya and Coast Watcher radar


Portable traffic-light column and controller, for use with radar sensor.

Portable traffic-light column and controller, for use with radar sensor.

ASV (Air-to-Surface-Vessel radar) Mk.11.N., being radar equipment installed on aircraft for the detection of vessels at sea. Two 'Yagi' aerials (similar to Band III television aerials) were mounted, one of each wing. Each served as both a transmitter and receiver, and the two were switched into circuit for alternate periods of about ten pulses. The aerials pointed outwards towards the line of flight, so that, for example, a target to port responded more strongly when the port aerial was in circuit. Only when the target was exactly on the line of flight did both aerials give equally strong responses. The equipment consisted of six main components: 1. The transmitter which operated at 176MHz and provided a peak power of about 30kW 2. The receiver 3. The aerial coupling unit which switched the two aerials alternately into circuit and also housed the small spark gaps which, by breaking down duing the transmitted pulse, temporarily isolated the aerial from the receiver; this enabled the aerial to be used for tranmitting and receiving; 4. A Voltage Control Panel 5. The Main Indicator, used by the Observer. 6. The Subsidiary Indicator, used by the air gunner

ASV (Air-to-Surface-Vessel radar) Mk.11.N., 1941-1945


Airborne Intercept (AI) Mk.VIII. centrimetic radar set (incomplete), 1941-1945. The radar set used a moving parabolic antenna or dish aerial to search for targets and track them accurately, a radar equipment concept which remained in use by most airborne radars well into the 1980s.

Airborne Interception (AI) Mk.VIII. radar set (incomplete), 1941-1945


Murphy radar type D36

Murphy radar type D36

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), 1989-1990, - forerunner of the ASTOR radar system.

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)


Sony Videocorder Type PV-12OUE, s/n 2813, in folding transport case, with spares and accessories; tape-deck modified for radar application by EMI Electronics Ltd (Ref 4E/D 27090, s/n W102). This is a relatively early example of a video recorder as well as the use of helical scanning on 2" tape. Recording was performed in a helical pattern on 2-ince wide lubricated magnetic tape. This equipment was modified by EMI to make it capable of recording radar signals

Sony Videocorder Type PV-12OUE modied for radar application

Decca HD516 radar equipment, scanning unit, type 4703

Decca HD516 radar equipment

Original Liverpool Harbour Surveillance Radar Equipment, comprising 6 parts

Original Liverpool Harbour Surveillance Radar Equipment

GL Mk.1 radar receiver, 1939

GL Mk.1 radar receiver, 1939


Decca HD516 radar equipment, transceiver unit, type 4809

Decca HD516 radar equipment, transceiver unit, type 4809

Decca DASR-1 air surveillance radar comprising: 1) 2 x viewing units 2) Simulator control unit 3) 3 x power racks 4) 4 x wave-form generator racks 5) Target simulator plus control unit. Made by Decca Radar Limited, England. System employs 10cm radar

Decca DASR-1 air surveillance radar

Scanner assembly from AGLT Airborne Gun-Laying Radar, 1944

Scanner assembly from AGLT Airborne Gun-Laying Radar, 1944


Receiver Module from German "Lichtenstein" BC (FuG 212G-1) Airborne Radar, 1942. This worked on a wavelength of about 60cm and the unit consisted of: 1) Anode-triggered transmitter oscillator around triode LD1 with about 1kW pulse-peak output power; 2) Receiver detector around double diode LG1, the transmitter resonant circuit acting as receiver tuned circuit.

Receiver Module from German "Lichtenstein" Airborne Radar, 1942


Air Intercept (AI) radar Mk.X (incomplete).

Air Intercept (AI) radar

Aerial assembly and pedestal from SCR 584 tracking radar, c.1944

Aerial assembly and pedestal from SCR 584 tracking radar, c.1944


Solartron Video Map Generator for showing local terrain details on Air Traffic Control PPI Radar displays, c. 1960. Uses flying-spot scanner techniques (used in television to produce video signals from films and slides) to superimpose on a PPI radar picture details of local terrain, an important feature of air traffic control.

Solartron Video Map Generator for Air Traffic Control PPI Radar displays, c. 1960


Decca HD516 radar equipment, pedestal unit, type 4840

Pedestal Unit, Type 4840 for Decca HD516 Radar Equipment

Decca HD516 radar equipment, pedestal unit, type 4840

Pedestal Unit, Type 4840 for Decca HD516 Radar Equipment

E160 airborne search radar, made by EKCO Electronics, 1954-1970, comprising: a) E152/24A scanner S/No.M410 b) E124 indicator S/ No. 211; c) E122 trans/receiver S/No. 369; d) E164 junction box S/No. S1280; e) E162/1 control unit S/No. 102; f) E161/3 serve synch S/No. 110; g) E163/1 junction box S/No. 122. The radar operatoed in the 3cm (10GHz) band and employed a 60kW magnetron.

E160 airborne search radar


Decca HD516 radar equipment, scanning unit, type 4703 mounted on turning unit, type 651130B

Decca HD516 radar equipment

Decca HD516 radar equipment, display unit, type 4801C

Decca HD516 radar equipment, display unit, type 4801C

Noise generator type BN for testing ASV (Air-to-Surface-Vessel radar) II receivers, made by RF Equipment Ltd, c. 1944

Noise generator type BN for testing ASV II receivers c. 1944


Pulse transmitter from a Japanese airborne radar equipment

Pulse transmitter from a Japanese airborne radar equipment

"Verstaerkerkasten" Vstk 65a amplifier, part of turning and tilting gear of Wurzburg Fuse 65 radar. Geraet [Equipment] number: 124-5384B. Werk [Serial] number: 211772. Due to weight of the turning part of the radar (about 13.3 tons), the laying gear had to be power operated and use was made of an AEG-desogned Ward Leonard system. The two DC driving motors for azimuth and elevation were fed by two DC generators which were driven by one three-phase AC mains motor. The exitation of the DC generators was controlled by thyratron amplifiers which were fed with the different voltage between the rotors of two selsyns, one coupled to the paraboloid, the other coupled to the handwheel on the control column for either azimuth or elevation. The parabola was thus driven until the difference voltage between the rotors of the two selsyns was nil and hence the parabola followed all movement of the control selsyn. Scales, coupled to the control selsyns, indicated the bearing and elevation.

Verstaerkerkasten Vstk 65a amplifier, part of Wurzburg Fuse 65 radar