Place born
Organisation / Person
1765-1858, botanist; author; England, British

Bentham, Lady Mary Sophia

1765 - 1858

1862-1928, naturalist, author and lecturer, British

Kearton, Richard

1862 - 1928

1875-1949, aeronautical engineer; philosopher; author, British

Dunne, John William

1875 - 1949

1835-1895, publisher, activist, author, British

Faithfull, Emily

1835 - 1895

1833-1896, scientist; inventor; entrepreneur; author; pacifist; manufacturer of armaments, Swedish

Nobel, Alfred Bernhard

1833 - 1896

1889-1972, writer and photographer, Bordeaux

Sougez, Emmanuel

1889 - 1972

1885-1975, author; writer, British

Mais, S P B

1885 - 1975

1808-1870, engineer; author, British

Hodge, Paul Rapsey

1808 - 1870

1872-1944, illustrator; cartoonist; artist; author, British

Robinson, William Heath

1872 - 1944

1893-1989, artist; poster artist; illustrator; author; television producer, British

Lingstrom, Freda

1893 - 1989

Mustard George, 1760?-1809, caricaturist; author, British

Woodward, G M

1760 - 1809

1876-1965, poster artist; artist; painter; marine painter; draughtsman; etcher; author, English

Mason, Frank Henry

1876 - 1965

1855-1944, scientist, photochemist, teacher and writer, Krems an der Donau

Eder, Josef Maria

1855 - 1944

1605-1682, physician; author, English

Browne, Sir Thomas

1605 - 1682

1136-1206, active from 1181, engineer; inventor; author, Mesopotamian; Iraqi

al-Jazari, Ismail ibn al-Razzaz

1136 - 1206

1828-1905, author, French

Verne, Jules

1828 - 1905

1751-1847, artist; engraver; printmaker; author, French

Sergent-Marceau, Antoine Louis François

1751 - 1847

1806-1863, naturalist; geologist; author; teacher, French

Boubee, Neree

1806 - 1863

1896-1982, author , British?

Joyce, Alfred George Edward

1896 - 1982

1830-1872, anthropologist, British

Breeks, James Wilkinson

1830 - 1872

1809-1885, author; politician, British; English

Milnes, Richard Monckton

1809 - 1885

1785-1852, workers' leader; author, British; English

Henson, Gravener

1785 - 1852

1831-1902, clergyman; author, British

Burnaby, Sherrard Beaumont

1831 - 1902

1892-1968, physician; author, Scottish, British

Lawrence, Robert Daniel

1892 - 1968

1854-1932, chemist; author, British

Jones, Henry Chapman

1854 - 1932

1880-1958, author; journalist, British

Simnett, William Edward

1880 - 1958

1908-1974, mathematician, poet, humanist. British.

Jacob Bronowski

1908 - 1974

1926-2017, author, British

Bond, Michael Thomas

1926 - 2017

1871-1940, naturalist, photographer and documentary film maker, British

Kearton, Cherry

1871 - 1940

1850-1935, physiologist; author, British

Sharpey-Schafer, Sir Edward Albert

1850 - 1935

1764-1826, author; printseller, English; British

Caulfield, James

1764 - 1826

1920-1997, writer; critic, British

Ellis, Ainslie

1920 - 1997

1792-1878, prime minister; author, English; British

Russell, John

1792 - 1878

1821-1856, author and journalist, Inverness

Reach, Angus B

1821 - 1856

1873-1947; author; USA

Cather, Willa

1873 - 1947

1812-1887, journalist; author; playwright, British.

Mayhew, Henry

1812 - 1887

1890-1969, river inspector; Chinese sailing vessel expert; model maker advisor; author, British

Worcester, George Raleigh Gray

1890 - 1969

1924-2007, inventor, collector, author, Austrian; American

Spira, Fred

1924 - 2007

1853-1923, physician; surgeon; author, English; British

Treves, Sir Frederick

1853 - 1923

1816-1860, author; public lecturer; mountaineer, English

Smith, Albert Richard

1816 - 1860

1819-1888, doctor, American

Stillman, Jacob Davis Babcock

1819 - 1888

1737-1809, author; revolutionary; bridge engineer, British; English

Paine, Thomas

1737 - 1809

1877-1936, poster artist; artist; illustrator; painter; draughtsman; author, British

Maxwell, Donald

1877 - 1936

1897-1971, author, journalist, war correspondent, South African-born; British

Langdon-Davies, John Eric

1897 - 1971

1853-1937, author; lawyer; chemist, British

Ferguson, William Bates

1853 - 1937

1857-1930, general practitioner in Reading; author, British

Hurry, Dr. Jamieson Boyd

1857 - 1930

1771-1857, author, British

Britton, John

1771 - 1857

1834-1895, surgeon; photographer; author, British

Durham, Arthur E

1834 - 1895

1861-1941, artist, illustrator, painter, author, British

Greig, James

1861 - 1941

1843-1923, philanthropist, author; carpet manufacturer, British; English

Treloar, Sir William Purdie

1843 - 1923